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S. J. Mayo, L. P. Félix, J. G. Jardim, A. M. Carvalho Anthurium bromelicola--a remarkable new species from Northeast Brazil (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Anthurium bromelicola is a new species from Northeast Brazil with two subspecies. It is unusual in its close association with bromeliad plants, its twining habit and very slender internodes; subsp. bromelicola, from the "agreste" region of the state of Pernambuco, is characterized by an erect, subcampanulate, dark spathe with a conspicuously costate inner surface and occurs with bromeliads on exposed rock outcrops; subsp. babiense, from the coastal restinga vegetation of the state of Bahia, has a more open, paler, non-costate spathe without differentiation into tube and blade, and occurs with terrestrial bromeliads on sandy substrates.