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----------------------- Message requiring your approval -------------------=
Sender: "Eduardo Gonçalves"
Subject: Re: Searching for list of Paraguayan anthurium sect.
Dear Thomas,
There are only two species of Anthurium listed for Paraguay: A.
plowmanii Croat and A. paraguayense Engler. Unfortunately, both are from
the section Pachyneurium. Take a look at inflorescences with their
peduncles. If they are longer than the petioles, your plant probably is
a A. paraguayense. If they are much shorter than the petioles, so you
must to be a proud owner of a A. plowmanii. I have a huge A. plowmanii
in front of window and have seen lots of wild A. plowmanii in
Southwestern Brazil, but I really dont remember their smell.
I hope it helps
>Dear Aroiders,
>I=B4m new at the Listserver and the Internet. I never thougt that so =
>much Aroid enthusiast exist. I=B4m growing Anthurium, Philodendron =
>Now I have a quaestion to all of you.
>I get an anthurium from Paraguay, I decide thats it=B4s one of the =
>section PACHYNEURIUM, but I didnt=B4t find it in the key of species at=
>the IAS server.
>So I would ask if somebody knows literature about paraguayan Aroids, or
>has a list of known Paraguayan Anthuriums.
>A little description:
>If you ever smell this plant you would never forget it, the whole room
>smells really bad. The spatha is green and the berries are violett. The
>leaves are 5x longer than broad and reached 60 cm.
>I=B4m new in computing and so I have no scanner or digital camera so I=
>can=B4t send any pictures.
>I hope somebody can help me.
>Thomas Mottl
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