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  Searching for list of Paraguayan anthurium sect. (fwd)
From: Steve Marak <samarak at arachne.uark.edu> on 1998.08.24 at 15:34:51(2554)
This message was submitted by "Eduardo Gonçalves" to=
aroid-l@mobot.org. If you forward it back to the list, it will be distribut=
From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1998.08.24 at 19:02:12(2557)
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Steve Marak wrote:
> Dear Thomas,
> There are only two species of Anthurium listed for Paraguay: A.
> plowmanii Croat and A. paraguayense Engler. Unfortunately, both are from
> the section Pachyneurium. Take a look at inflorescences with their
> peduncles. If they are longer than the petioles, your plant probably is
> a A. paraguayense. If they are much shorter than the petioles, so you
> must to be a proud owner of a A. plowmanii. I have a huge A. plowmanii
> in front of window and have seen lots of wild A. plowmanii in
> Southwestern Brazil, but I really dont remember their smell.
> I hope it helps
> Eduardo.

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