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  Anthurium araliaefolium
From: MOTO_DO at t-online.de (Thomas Mottl) on 1998.10.13 at 18:49:40(2691)
Dear Aroiders,

I have an A. araliaefolium, now I read that this species comes from New
Caledonia, this wonders me, because this Island is so near by Australia.
I always thought Anthuriums are only growing in Central and South America?
Can anybody tell me if this is true that this species is native at New

From: David Scherberich <earmag at cybercable.tm.fr> on 1998.10.15 at 18:01:24(2692)
Dear Thomas,

Madison, in his revision of the species of Anthurium with palmately
divided leaves (Selbyana) wrote that Anth. araliifolium was described
after a single cultivated specimen said to have come from New Caledonia,
however Engler considered that it was probably from Central America.
Madison thinks that it might be a hybrid between Anth. podophyllum and a
species with cordate leaves ...

Concerning Anth. wendlingeri, I used to grow mine when it was young in
pure sphagnum moss until the blades reached about 30 cm, then in a mix
of pine bark, polystyrene, shoped sphagnum and perlite. The leaves are
now more than 1 m long. It grew very fast when it was young but now that
it is adult, it is producing new leaves much less often.

Best regards

David Scherberich

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