Wilbert Hetterscheid: Two pages of erudite discussion to be filed for future
Yes, I read it first --- several times! Thank you, Wilbert]
Ray: Commenting on how the Arisaema Enthusiasts had beaten this topic to death
as far as that genus is concerned, and answering my question about
pronunciation. He explained a certain pronunciation as being, perhaps, "a
Canadian thing."
[I acknowledge that, as someone else wrote, "Everyone who ever spoke Latin has
been dead a long time" and, he opined that it wasn't important to be more
right than someone else. [But I can't speak Portuguese, and have found what
Latin I can recall to come in mighty handy in Portugal, plus, I sometimes need
to say things like Habeas Corpus, etc.]
Rand Nicholson: Taking exception to Ray's blaming a certain pronunciation on
the Canadians and extolling the virtues of Canadian beer.
Ellen Hornig: Commenting that Rand was a little touchy and seconding the idea
that we can't beat their beer.
[I'll drink to that --- esp. Moosehead Ale, Molson Golden or Ale, LaBatte's
Blue] [Since my Glen grew up north of Calgary, if we drink beer, it IS
OK folks. That was fun, and I think the weather is getting to us. My
correspondents from Bradenton, FL to Los Altos, CA all report THEY are cold.
Ellen says she's had LOTS of snow. Last week here in Traverse City, we had 33
inches in 24 hours --- a new record!
I note with great interest the postings from The Netherlands, Germany,
Australia, New Zealand, from Miami to Alaska and Washington State, and from
California to Oswego, NY, from New Brunswick to Vancouver Canada!
Let's face it, we've all got weather, and right now some pretty interesting
So, I thought I'd be a peacemaker and try to relieve some cabin fever. The
following was forwarded to me from someone who has had more snow than Traverse
City. But there is something in it for everyone, as you will notice. I want
you to know that even though I'm a lawyer, I laughed the loudest when the list
got to - 90 F! [That's not the worst lawyer joke I've ever heard.] Rand, the
last line is for you.
Jeanne Hannah
Zone 5b
Measuring the Cold
+60 Californians put on sweaters.
+50 Miami residents turn on the heat.
+45 Vermont residents go to outdoor concert.
+40 You can see your breath.
Californians shiver uncontrollably.
Minnesotans go swimming.
+35 Italian cars don`t start.
+32 Water freezes.
+30 You plan your vacation in Australia.
+25 Ohio water freezes.
Californians weep pitiably
Minnesotans eat ice cream.
Canadians go swimming.
+20 Politicians begin to talk about the homeless.
New York City water freezes.
Miami residents plan vacation further south.
+15 French cars don`t start.
Cat insists on sleeping with you.
+10 You need jumper cables to get the car going.
+ 5 American cars don`t start.
0 Alaskans put on T-shirts.
-10 German cars don`t start.
Eyes freeze shut when you blink.
-15 You can cut your breath and use it to build an igloo.
Arkansans stick tongues on metal objects.
Miami residents cease to exist.
-20 Cat insists on sleeping in pajamas with you.
Politicians actually do something about the homeless.
Minnesotans shovel snow off roof.
Japanese cars don`t start.
-25 Too cold to think.
You need jumper cables to get the driver going.
-30 You plan a two week hot bath.
Swedish cars don`t start.
-40 Californians disappear.
Minnesotans button top button.
Canadians put on sweater.
Your car helps you plan your trip south.
-50 Congressional hot air freezes.
Alaskans close the bathroom window.
-80 Hell freezes over.
Polar bears move south.
Green Bay Packer fans order hot cocoa at the game.
-90 Lawyers put their hands in their own pockets.
-100 Canadian buildings turn off air conditioning.