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Typhonium seed
From: Victor Soukup <soukupvg at email.uc.edu> on 1999.04.14 at 21:59:39(3266)
I have an urgent need for a few berries or seeds (5 to 10) of any
Typhonium species for my study of the acids of seed lipids. The only
example of Typhonium in my study was carried out on 3 woefully immature
seeds which were pickled. The results were so completely out of line with
what I expected, that I refuse to believe them. (They are also the only
results obtained on pickled specimens.)
At the IAS meeting in August, I want to discuss the differences and
similarities between Sauromatum, Typhonium, and Theriophonum. You will
recall that Peter and Wilbert are planning to submerge Sauromatum in
Typhonium based on various macro and micromorphological characters. Based
on the current state of my results (the odd Typhonium result) this would
appear to be a mistake.
Please, someone, try to get me some fresh Typhonium seed or some from a
herbarium sheet (preferably not over 10 - 12 years old), so that I can get
analyses which will either tend to support or to refute the proposed change
of status.
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Thanks, Vic Soukup
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.04.19 at 15:56:17(3276)
Dear Vic,
Wish I could help, but Typhoniums are only now emerging from dormancy in
Florida now.
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>I have an urgent need for a few berries or seeds (5 to 10) of any
Typhonium species for my study of the acids of seed lipids. The only
example of Typhonium in my study was carried out on 3 woefully immature
seeds which were pickled. The results were so completely out of line with
what I expected, that I refuse to believe them. (They are also the only
results obtained on pickled specimens.)
At the IAS meeting in August, I want to discuss the differences and
similarities between Sauromatum, Typhonium, and Theriophonum. You will
recall that Peter and Wilbert are planning to submerge Sauromatum in
Typhonium based on various macro and micromorphological characters. Based
on the current state of my results (the odd Typhonium result) this would
appear to be a mistake.
Please, someone, try to get me some fresh Typhonium seed or some from a
herbarium sheet (preferably not over 10 - 12 years old), so that I can get
analyses which will either tend to support or to refute the proposed change
of status.
Thanks, Vic Soukup<
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.06.20 at 16:45:41(3456)
Sent you an e-mail this AM on the availability of some fruit/seed of this,
but don`t know if it went through, let me know asap. Also may soon have
fruit/seed of Synandrospadix vermitoxicus, let me know if you need these.
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I have an urgent need for a few berries or seeds (5 to 10) of any
Typhonium species for my study of the acids of seed lipids. The only
example of Typhonium in my study was carried out on 3 woefully immature
seeds which were pickled. The results were so completely out of line with
what I expected, that I refuse to believe them. (They are also the only
results obtained on pickled specimens.)
At the IAS meeting in August, I want to discuss the differences and
similarities between Sauromatum, Typhonium, and Theriophonum. You will
recall that Peter and Wilbert are planning to submerge Sauromatum in
Typhonium based on various macro and micromorphological characters. Based
on the current state of my results (the odd Typhonium result) this would
appear to be a mistake.
Please, someone, try to get me some fresh Typhonium seed or some from a
herbarium sheet (preferably not over 10 - 12 years old), so that I can get
analyses which will either tend to support or to refute the proposed change
of status.
Thanks, Vic Soukup
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