From: "Michael W. McCaffery" <mwm at GNV.IFAS.UFL.EDU> on 1999.07.12 at 04:15:54(3491)
I asked aCraig Morell, a professional horticulturalist in S. Florida about
the topic of humic acid supplements. Here is an extract of what he had to say:
(Please note that any errors in the following are probably mine. Parenthetical
expressions are my own additions)
"Humates/humic acid (may act as) biostimulants( of soil flora and
fauna)...a very hot topic in soils now"
"Lots of people swear by them"
Anectdotal evidence suggests that they are "useful on recalcitrant plants
such as Heliconia chartacea "Sexy Pink"... makes it to thrive. Without it
the plant (typically) just flouders and sits there". This is based using a
humate apparently from Stokes Tropicals.
Craig has personally tried humates in liquid form (from Terra/Asgrow)on
turf and on containerized trees. The intent was to enchance soil moisture
He perceived a general increase in vigor but had no controls for comparison.
Hope this helps
Mike McCaffery