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Science News 11 September
From: Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU> on 1999.09.14 at 15:09:07(3649)
This week's Science News just arrived in the library here. The cover story
is on A. titanum (titled 'The Science of Big Weird Flowers'.
The article focuses on Rafflesia, but has a fair bit on aroids.
Online at http://www.sciencenews.org/ but this article is not available on line.
Clear skies,
| +More |
|Al Wootten, Slacktide, Sturgeon Creek at the Rappahannock|
|Astronomer (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/) |
|genealogy homepage http://members.tripod.com/~astral |
|Deltaville, Virginia (804)776-6369 |
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