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aroid dormancy
From: "russ armstrong" russ152 at hotmail.com> on 1999.09.29 at 02:07:28(3670)
I am a newcomer to growing aroids, I grow them
along with orchids and bromeliads in a large sunroom
that is warm and humid all year long.
I grow caladiums and I know they need a dormant period,
and I was wondering if my alocasia x amazonica and my
common variety elephant ears (don't know scientific name)
need a dormant period also.
I also bought some calla lillies and it says on the package
to plant them in the fall to bloom the next spring.
Is this absolutely necessary or can I plant them in my sunroom
without a winter dormancy, and do they need a dormancy
period also?
Thank you in advance for any information you can send me.
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