IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.11.28 at 20:25:23(3877)
Dear Aroid friends,

A few years ago I corresponded w/ a lady in N.E. Australia, she sent me
photos of a wonderful form of Caladium schomburgkii (this is the species
that usually produces lanceolate or teardrop shaped leaves), but the ones
she photographed had very long and VERY narrow leaves, perhaps no more than
3/4" wide by 10" long! Several colors were represented, and a few had
'ruffled' edges to the leaves. She said they were called 'ribbon leaf'
Caladiums in Australia. I have not seen these any where else, and wonder
if any of you out there, perhaps in Australia or areas nearby, can supply
any information on these wonderful plants!
Good growing!!

Julius Boos

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