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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
Hybrids, grexes (greges), nature, evolution, human interest
From: "Bonaventure W Magrys" magrysbo at shu.edu> on 2000.05.03 at 23:58:24(4533)
got my answer. Sorry I didn't read ahead to see. You still need to know the
parents of the cultivar, and these if cultivars, would be advantageous to know
if they are of a species, primary hybrid(s), or a near primary (backcross
to one
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of the parent species, as is done in line-breeding), ect.
Where can I access these rules you mention? I am sorry that I am only familiar
with the "endless" orchid system.
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2000.05.09 at 01:32:01(4548)
> Okay,
> got my answer. Sorry I didn't read ahead to see. You still need to know
| +More |
> parents of the cultivar, and these if cultivars, would be advantageous to
> if they are of a species, primary hybrid(s), or a near primary (backcross
> to one
> of the parent species, as is done in line-breeding), ect.
All superfluous (at best: non-mandatory) information when it comes down to
registering aroid cultivars. Please, Donna, don't get distracted from the
real thing by this ongoing plea for grexes. They will NOT do.
> Where can I access these rules you mention? I am sorry that I am only
> with the "endless" orchid system.
> Bonaventure
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