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  New Good Stuff on MoBot Web Page
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1997.02.22 at 05:06:53(416)
Aroiders and especially Anthurium fans,

Today two new links were added to the Research page at the MoBot web site
, and if you are into Anthurium you will be
pleased to see this new info. First is a Key to Species Of Anth. sec
Pachyneurium. Guanghua Zhu has also created a link to this new Key from
the IAS page. The second new item at MoBot research is a List of Live
Aroids in the MoBot collection. More specifically it is a list of the
IDENTIFIED living species in their collection, as explained to me by
Petra today. They have far more yet to be IDed!

Let's have a round of applause for the folks at MoBot. Putting these new
pages together was a lot of work, and I think will prove to be valuable
tools for many of us.


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