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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

From: Neil Carroll zzamia at hargray.com> on 2000.06.13 at 01:27:12(4746)
Hi folks ,, This is Neil the Newsletter editor. Yesterday while finishing
the most recent Newsletter I got a virus and lost EVERYTHING on my
harddrive. The newsletter was to go out today but It will now be delayed. I
lost the material for the Newsletter as I had no backup. If you sent me
material ....please send it again.

It's a hard lesson to learn......I will now always backup my data and keep
up with the latest virus software.

So sorry.... I will get the Newsletter out ASAP when I recieve the material

Neil Carroll

From: "Noel Crisler" ncrisler at cox.net> on 2005.09.15 at 12:35:35(13359)
Please excuse my ignorance but I'm just starting to
collect Amorphophallus.
One of mine (label lost) has several round, brown
buds, the biggest of which is at the junction of where the leaves leave the
Looks to me as if I plant these, they will produce
new plants. Is this correct?

Sorry to trouble you with what I'm sure is a dumb

Thanks for your time,

From: plantguy at zoominternet.net> on 2005.09.17 at 16:24:17(13362)
Hi Noel,

In all likelihood it is Am. bulbifer as this is the
most common species forming these bulbils at the leaf junctions. These
will grow little plants next summer for you as you suspect. Best of


From: Ronmchatton at aol.com on 2005.09.17 at 22:05:38(13363)
The species you have is most likely Am. bulbifer although there are a
couple of other often encountered species that produce these foliar
bulbils. Bulbils will often develop into new plants. Collect them
when the leaf collapses (at that point they will easily separate from the leaf)
and plant them as you would corms. They will sprout with the next growing


From: "Marge Talt" mtalt at hort.net> on 2005.09.18 at 06:50:10(13365)
No apologies, Noel, we all start from zero. Sounds to me like you
have A. bulbifer. The bulbils will, indeed, make new plants. Leave
them on the mother plant until the leaf withers - watch as it starts
to die down as they can fall off and get lost. Plant with the
concave side that was attached to the mother UP. I usually let my
babies sit on the mother's pot over winter when I just let the pot
dry out in the house and then plant them in spring when I repot the
mother tuber. Have even had some sit on my desk over winter. So far
( and I have only had this plant a few years) all the bulbils have
sprouted and grown on - I am now getting a little collection of this

From: "Noel Crisler" ncrisler at cox.net> on 2005.09.18 at 15:23:12(13367)
How kind of you to help this novice. Thank


From: "Marcus Nadruz" mnadruz at jbrj.gov.br> on 2006.04.19 at 16:30:17(14105)
Dear friends,?

Could anybody be confirmed that species a Rhaphidophora decursiva is??
thank you very much to all.

Marcus Nadruz

From: RAYMOMATTLA at cs.com on 2006.04.20 at 23:13:29(14109)
Looks like Rhaphidophora decursiva to me, if that is what you are asking. Pete might confirm this...


From: "Peter Boyce" botanist at malesiana.com> on 2006.04.21 at 10:22:43(14110)
Hi Both

I missed the thread on this; Marcus, if you wish, you can you send me the
image directly (botanist@malesiana.com) and I'd be
happy to check the id.



From: "Marcus Nadruz" mnadruz at jbrj.gov.br> on 2006.06.05 at 16:23:36(14335)
Dear friends,

Could anybody be confirmed the names of those Philodendrons are correct??
thank you very much

Marcus A. Nadruz Coelho
Pesquisador Titular III/Coordenador

From: Marcus Nadruz <mnadruz at jbrj.gov.br> on 2011.04.11 at 22:32:25(22020)
Dear friends,

I am preparing a lecture on the list of Brazilian species of Araceae and would comment on the first records of the family in tropical America, especially Brazil.

I have the publications of Linné, Marcggraf, Jaccard, Plumier, Piso and Velozzo. Does anyone have any other advice about other publications?

I thank you all.

Marcus A. Nadruz Coelho
Pesquisador Titular



From: "Tom Croat" <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2011.04.16 at 03:45:22(22029)
Dear Marcus:

What is your cut off for early
authors? Would someone like Hemsley be important. He worked early in Central America. I realize that most of the earliest
collections were from the West Indies but in South America
there were the early explorers like Spruce, Humbodlt, Sesse & Mocino and
others. Actually except to Poeppig few species of Araceae were described. What
about Kunth. Lord, he described more than anyone else even if he did not know anything
about Araceae.

All the best,




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