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From: "Michael Pascall" mpascall at eisa.net.au> on 2000.10.01 at 02:26:32(5490)
standard media here is 'Quincan' local name for a volcanic scoria , usually
mixed with pine bark and peat for terrestials.
coarser grade for lithophytes and very coarse for epiphytes.
Found a Alocasia'Corozin' growing in a small square pot that had a Vriesa
splendens in it,pot size was 3" or 75mm,
usually the bromeliads are planted in a medium grade Quincan[ 5 to 15mm]
with small chunks of coconut husks added.
After emptying out the pot and sorting through the mix, to my surprise I had
13 corms !The Alocasia may have been growing in that pot for a few years,to
produce so many corms, but looked very healthy considering the media it was
growing in !
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Michael Pascall
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