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Note from Phil Mueller
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1997.03.11 at 03:39:36(484)
Received an email note from Phil tonight. Those of you who know Phil
know what he is up to, but for those of you who do not, he is on a US
naval vessel out in the Pacific. He asks about contacts in Indonesia. If
anyone has answers feel free to email Phil. If you do not have his
address you may send any responses to me and I'll forward them. We don't
want to publicly announce his email address, but if anyone wishes to know
it please email me. Oh yes, I've already advised him that any bus ride
from Singapore to Indonesia will be quite wet! To Jahor in Malaysia - no
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Don Burns Plantation, FL USA Zone 10b
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 15:41:02 +0000
To: burns@mobot.org
Subject: E-Mail From
>Sorry I didn't have a chance to call you while I was at home, but I
>just had a few days and had a lot to do to get ready for the next
>trip. Flew to San Diego and from there to Hawaii and got the ship. We
>sailed into Guam today for just a few hours, but I did have a chance
>to ride around a little. Saw no brown tree snakes (Guan is supposed
>to be over-run with them. Did see a lot of Breadfruit trees. They
>sure are beautiful. I guess Guam has been spared the deadly yellowing
>virus. I saw no sickly or dead coconuts. Really wish I could have got
>into the countryside. The only aroid I was able to spot was what
>looked like small Alocasia macrorhysa (sp?) They were just over a
>meter high and the leaves were rigidly upright. There was also a very
>distinct Plumeria. They had very shiny, dark green, stiff leaves and
>white flowers. There were others that looked more like the ones I
>remember in the states.
>I've made contact with Shing Lam in Hong Kong and hope he will be
>free to go on a short field trip or two. He said that it was probably
>too early for tuberous aroids, but I'm sure there are a lot of
>interesting plants to see..
>Also received a note from Julius. Will probably send a report on Hong
>Kong to aroid-l. After Hong Kong we will hit Singapore. There should
>be buses to both Malaysia and Indonesia. Does anybody on aroid-l know
>a contact in this area.
>We will also visit Male in the Maldives. We are the only ship
>scheduled for there....All the others are going to Phuket,
>Thailand!!!! I think that's where Tim started his very successful
>collecting trip. Ah, well! Maybe the next trip.
>That's about all for now. If anyone would like to contact me, I'll be
>at this address until the middle of April: ddg62is@nosc.mil
>Use the subject:
>They have a program on the ship that will download this directly into
>my account.
>Hope to hear from you and perhaps some of the other aroiders.
From: jhlawrence <jhl at kuentos.guam.net> on 1997.03.11 at 19:25:18(486)
As a new aroider from GUAM it was interesting to read Phil's comments re
our island. The brown tree snake (BTS) stories you all hear are ALL
highly unfounded. We do have some snakes here but they are not, repeat
THEY ARE NOT, DO NOT and NEVER HAVE hung from the trees like pasta.
WE do have the yellowing virus; quite serious problem but the local
government is not doing much to correct or educate. I have seen a
dramatic increase in the number of infected palms along Marine Drive
(main drag up and down the island). Each year power authority crews use
knives to remove old leaves and nuts prior to Liberation DAY. I have
watched as the virus slowly spreads from tree to tree year after year.
Going to take sometime before the locals react here; probably after the
coconuts are gone or enough are lost..... Not enough public education
although we are getting some US Forest Service funding to "study" the
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I am new to aroids so I don't have much to report on these at this time.
Phil's observations are correct in as far as they go and he was able to
see. In the interior, the best part of GUAM, we get some REALLY large
leafed Alocasia macrorhysa (sp?) (A. macrorhiza (L.) Schott) that grow
upwards of 1.5 meters (don't know if .5 m increase rates a REALLY large
or not but they seem really big.
Here is Stones list of the more common Araceae in Guam
Caladium bicolor
Colocasia esulenta
Cyrtosperma chamissonis
Alocasia macrorrhiza
Raphidophora aura
Dieffenbachia picta
Not very interesting or unique from my limited understanding.
There is one Raphidophora species reported by Stone, 1962, that was seen
only once (Holotype) located in the MOST inaccessible site (former NUC
storage facility-even thought the Marine Guards are gone (meaning no
nucs) they still won't let you in without a REAL good reason.
Here is the description for those interested (from Micronesica Vol. 6
July 1970)
A high-climbing vine; leaves green, the petioles to 12 cm long, the
sheath open along lowest 4/5 to 5/6; blades lanceolate or narrowly
oblong, about 30 x 7 cm; acuminate-acute; spateh broad, thick, pale
yellow; spadix without appendix; flowers bisexual; carpels single,
separable, each with tow sthort staminodes; stigma capitate-discoid.
Guam: Naval Magazine near Maulap Stream. 28 April 1962. Stone 4101
(GUAM) Holotype. Seen only once.
Well, I have taken up enough space.
bye from GUAM, Where America's Aroiding DAY BEGINS!
From: Rand Nicholson <writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 1997.03.12 at 01:56:07(488)
>As a new aroider from GUAM it was interesting to read Phil's comments re
>our island. The brown tree snake (BTS) stories you all hear are ALL
>highly unfounded. We do have some snakes here but they are not, repeat
>THEY ARE NOT, DO NOT and NEVER HAVE hung from the trees like pasta.
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Hi bart:
I understood, from various documentaries, readings, etc, that the Brown
Tree Snake is an introduced venomous snake that, on various islands, has
caused a considerable amount of damage (for lack of a natural predator) to
the local ecosystems of said islands. Worse than rats. In other words: They
have become a real threat to native species.
In many areas (I understand), there is a bounty on their hides.
Could, in light of this, the phrase: "hung from the trees like pasta" refer
to the collection of such snake skins, drying for the bounty offered?
Just curious.
Kind Regards,
Rand Nicholson(writserv@nbnet.nb.ca)
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