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Amorph seedlings
From: Floral Artistry jjingram at pacbell.net> on 2001.08.15 at 03:28:57(7241)
I got some of the seeds of Amorph. lewallei and the seedlings are showing
some variation. One seedling has a reddish streaked stem and the others are
pure green. Is this a variable species or ???????/
John Ingram
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Phone/Fax 323-650-9360
From: mburack at mindspring.com on 2001.08.15 at 15:36:06(7244)
All seedlings are variable. (that goes for all plants)
aroid-l@mobot.org wrote:
> I got some of the seeds of Amorph. lewallei and the seedlings are showing
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some variation. One seedling has a reddish streaked stem and the others are
pure green. Is this a variable species or ???????/
John Ingram
Phone/Fax 323-650-9360
From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2001.08.16 at 15:46:24(7251)
I have grown some seeds of Amorphophallus galbra , a nice form with a very
spotted petiole collected at Mt Amos near Cooktown by Marilyn Van Den Burgh
.The resultant seedlings have given me only one with a spotted petiole and
the rest are all green ! The only true way to identify these variable plants
is by the flower !
Have had great success growing Psuedodracontium sp. using the leaf/petiole
cutting method. I was amazed at the resultant tuber size after a few months
. I must try some Amorphophallus cuttings ..
Michael Pascall,Curator,
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