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  KK's mystery Zantedeschia (Z. 'Hercules')
From: "Sean O'Hara" <SAOUC at UCCMVSA.UCOP.EDU> on 1997.07.12 at 01:03:48(933)
Regarding Krzysztof's unknown Zantedeschia (see his page):


I did some ditective work through some folks I know at Strybing
Arboretum, and the records show that this plant originated from
Western Hills Nursery in Occidental (60 mi. north of San Francisco
in very beautiful country!). I'm trying to locate more information
about where they got the plant, but for now, this is what I know:

- it is called merely Z. 'Hercules' (but certainly has Z.
aethiopica as a parent if it is a hybrid).

- It can grow up to 7ft tall, with huge 2-3ft leaves which are
like Z. aethiopica but spotted like come other species.

- Western Hills has numerous 1 gallon specimens at this time
($7.00) and some 3" ($3.50).

- Small plants can grow rather fast, based upon a small bulbil
division I currently have in my possession (from a friend's

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