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  Alocasia hybrids
From: "bamboochik" <bamboochik at earthlink.net> on 2004.08.01 at 15:33:19(11898)
....and when will you be making this available to the public,

----- Original Message -----

From: Brian Williams pugturd at alltel.net> on 2005.10.21 at 23:41:30(13454)
I thought I would share some photos of Alocasia hybrids I recently made.
This photo is a alocasia crossed with Macrorrhiza I am not yet sure how
large this plant will get but it does seem very easy to grow and fairly
tough so far.
From: plantguy at zoominternet.net> on 2005.10.22 at 02:06:00(13455)
HI, Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but how do you see more than just a
thumbnail of the hybrid? Thanks,


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