IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

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From: "Dr. Guanghua Zhu" <gzhu at LEHMANN.MOBOT.ORG> on 1997.07.16 at 15:27:41(953)
This is a message sent to me. Please help if you can. Thank you
very much. Please make sure copy your responce to WELCH SHELLIE
. I don't believe the person in on
Aroid-l. (DOn and Dewey, should we send a welcome message?).
Thanks. Guanghua

From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1997.07.16 at 23:49:15(955)
Dear Arpoid L;
Thisd sounds like Z. aethiopica which I grew for years in Zone 5/6
where it multiplied went toseed self sowed etc.
It grew without protection, but was planted near a sidewalk which
probably help conserve some heat.

best jim W.

James W. Waddick Voice: 816 746 1949
8871 NW Brostrom Rd E-MAIL: jim-jim@swbell.net
Kansas City MO 64152 Fax: 816 746 1939
Zone 5/6 -

From: "Robert Wagner" <robwagner at robwagner.seanet.com> on 1997.07.17 at 15:41:47(959)
Most likely, Zantedeschia albo-maculata. It has a well-defined dormancy and
surprisingly hardy. Unlike its big semi-aquatic kin Z. aethiopica it won't
tolerate poor drainage but it's otherwise an easy plant.

See if the "white petal" (the spathe) isn't purplish down in the throat
near the base.


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