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  light levels for Amorphophallus
From: Bryan Lampl blampl1 at earthlink.net> on 2005.02.24 at 07:12:54(12726)
Hello all. This year I am fortunate to have allocated more than double the
space for my Amorphophallus plants. After building the structure, I am now
questioning that using a 55% shadecloth may not be enough protection for the
foliage to avoid problems. It appears that the plants will be exposed to
more light then they were last year. Unfortunately, I didn't keep any
specific data on conditions. I will be using a light meter to determine the
light intensity within my greehouse and I am curious what is recommended as
a general rule for Amorphophallus? I suspect I may need to add additional
shading and was hoping to get some ideas about what would be a good range to
work with. Thanks for your imput.

From: Baumfarn Webmaster webmaster at baumfarn.at> on 2005.02.25 at 10:53:56(12730)
Hi Bryan, I can't help you too much with your light.
I will just mention that my A.Paeoniifolius felt very comfortable in
full sun. I had to water it a lot during summer, but he loved it.


From: bonaventure at optonline.net on 2005.02.26 at 07:21:05(12733)

Mine either come up in the garden full sun in a southern exposure late May/early June (konjac, albus, dunnii, bulbifer) or are put there in pot at that time as they arise. Of course they're acclimated to that as soon as they sprout, and get lots of water while in leaf.

Bonaventure Magrys

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