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IAS Aroid Quasi Forum
About Aroid-L
This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
New Address
From: "Sue Zunino" <suez at sprintmail.com> on 1998.03.09 at 06:14:26(1942)
Hello all,
I have changed servers, and for those of you whom I have been
communicating with (or any who would like to start communications), here is
my new address: SueZ@sprintmail.com (previoulsy Snalice@AOL.com) Please
give it a try..........so I will know I'm still here. I have been offline
for about a week and so I've missed all email sent to me as well as to
the list. Since I don't like missing a trick, you can try again if you
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Thank you,
Sue Zunino
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.