From: "Sue Zunino" <suez at> on 1998.03.18 at 15:44:53(1963)
Hello to all,
Since it's been so quiet here on the IAS, I decided I would share
my experience with the Caladiums I got from Richard Mansell last year at
about this time, as was requested a while back. Mine went into pots
(gopher preventative) in a very rich potting mix with some plain old garden
soil added in on the 24th of April '97. It seemed like it took forever to
see them top the soil, but from May 12 on they began to peek out. By late
summer they were in their fullest glory. Here comes the sad, but true part.
I failed to keep records of leaf size, and went straight to enjoying them as
long as I could, but guessing in retrospect, I would say that some of the
leaves in their adultness got to be about 8" at best. Since I live in a
long, cool, damp spring and fall area, I don't think they really grew to
their full potential, but they added colors that could get a fire enginge's
bells going. The rest is history but sad, because I didn't get a lot of
them out of their pots in time to prevent rotting. I do have some left
(which ones I'm not sure) and will be able to plant them earlier this year
thanks to el nino, so perhaps (if they actually grow) they will pick up in
size. I would definitely say that they're a wonderful addition to anyone's
collection. Whoever ordered them this year will enjoy them.
I would also like to ask a question of anyone who can help. I received
three varieties of Amorphophallus bulbs (lewallei, paeoniifolius, odoratus).
I don't know who sent them and would like to know. This may be one of those
times where at some point I knew they were coming then totally forgot, but I
would like to thank the person anyway and I apologize for forgetting. Can
anyone tell me how do I treat them? What do I plant them in, and I need to
know their high and low tolerances to know if I can plant them outside.
Lewallei is in a soft state and I'm not sure how to treat it. I coated it
with Captan, and have kept it exposed to air. Does it need to be planted,
or does it need air? When I laid it on moist perlite, it began to mold. I
would appreciate any help.
Thank you and best to all,
Sue Zunino
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