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Kathy's titanum
From: Clarence Waldron <cwaldron at powersupply.net> on 1998.04.29 at 12:53:00(2054)
I suppose it's okay to be skeptical, but Amorphophallus is a strange =
genus and does strange things. Last year my large (6.5 lb) konjac tuber =
finally put up an inflorescence (and then promptly took a nap for 13 =
months--no leaf last year)--so did two that were less than a pound (they =
promptly sent up a leaf also). On the back cover of Aroideana 11(2), =
Fanny Lee Phillips published a photo of a 3.5 oz konjac with an =
The real question is, what triggers the flowering process? The fact =
that I had three konjacs of different sizes bloom in one year suggests =
that it may have something to do with the previous growing season--but =
what? And why didn't all of Kathy's titanums bloom this year?
Clarence Waldron
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