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Arum colchicum?
From: Ellen Hornig <hornig at Oswego.EDU> on 1997.01.22 at 03:41:55(205)
Peter Boyce, are you there? I just got a seed list from Josef
Jurasek (Czech Republic), and he lists Arum colchicum (coll. Russia,
western area of the Caucasus, 1300m; 10cm high, woodlander). In Boyce's
monograph there is no mention that I can find of any such thing.
Considering the size (10cm), I'm wondering whether this is actually a biarum.
Does anyone know?
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Ellen Hornig
From: "Peter Boyce" <P.Boyce at lion.rbgkew.org.uk> on 1997.01.22 at 14:37:56(209)
Dear Ellen
Spotted your email regarding Arum colchicum. This name does not
appear in the Arum book because it doesn't exist! From the locality I
would guess that it will be one of three species: A. orientale, A.
maculatum or A. italicum. In NE Turkey there are populations of a
very small Arum that seems close to either A. maculatum or A.
italicum ssp. amoenum with definite leanings towards the latter and I
would guess from the desciption that Arum colchicum is part of this
Biarum does not occur in Russia. The furthest north Biarum reaches is
Corfu/Albania. Another possibility might have been one of the
northerly Emnium species (e.g. E. koenenianum) but, if it was, then
it would be a new record for the genus in Russia.
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Peter Boyce
Royal Botanic Gardens
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