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  RE: [Aroid-l] Mini rant
From: "danny wilson" <mudwasp_ at hotmail.com> on 2004.11.04 at 06:42:11(12341)
there are a few people who put up pictures along with their auctions of plants that are not the ones advertised. there was one seller selling what they said was a "huge" dracunculus vulgaris tuber. the real tuber was 2 inches across and they had pictures of A. konjac up. you have to love that!
>From: "Harry Witmore"
>Reply-To: Discussion of aroids
>To: "'Discussion of aroids'"
>Subject: RE: [Aroid-l] Mini rant
>Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 17:52:42 -0500
>I agree with Michael on this. If you are selling anything anywhere,
>marketing is one of the aspects and we all know that marketing is not always
>based on the absolute truth. So, I don't see any problem using the word rare
>for something as long as the picture is not deceiving. I have purchased many
>things from many people on Ebay and it's pretty easy to tell those that are
>trying to sell and be honest and those that are not. So, I think if you have
>issues with what folks do on eBay you have an up hill battle and selling
>Aroids is a pretty small part of the problem.
>I imagine that some of the tubers we sale here as rare are eaten as food
>elsewhere so where do you draw the line. Leave it up to each buyer to make
>up his or her mind as to what is rare to them.
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