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Re: "Genera of Araceae"
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.09.12 at 18:08:51(1240)
>'Genera of Araceae' at this time will cost $137.05 US dollars. Here is a
>money converter service that might come in handy in the future for anyone
>needing to know. The Universal Curre
>ncy Converter(tm). Keep in mind that Dewey said there may be a new
>exchange rate by the end of Sept, however this service will keep you updated.
Also keep in mind that the price Peter has quoted is 75 Pounds... This
addition is shipping to get the books here fast.... so that they WILL be
here.... so, convert on that basis....
| +More |
Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
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