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Calla Palustris
From: "Jaime Rodriguez" <jaime at matnet.com> on 1997.10.27 at 20:42:39(1519)
Calla Palustris grows wild all over Alaska, possibly even zones 2 & 3. It
grows quite far north into the interior. I see it regularly from a
distance, out in the middle of deep, wet bogs. I haven't been willing to
haul out my hip waders to go collect seeds, but if I don't find some
readily accessible next fall, I may have to get wet. Please don't reply
asking me to get you some now, everything has been frozen and buried in
snow for weeks.
Jaime Rodriguez
| +More |
P.O. Box 871394
Wasilla, Alaska, 99687
USDA Zone 3 & 4
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