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  [Aroid-l] Re: Anthurium superbum
From: "Windy Aubrey" <exotics at hawaii.rr.com> on 2007.06.23 at 20:18:52(15839)

I went through my past images of our
Superbum to see if I had any with the spadix showing it in a receptive
'mood'. Unfortunately, I came up empty, but I am including
some images of the spadix in different stages and thought maybe this would
be of interest to some of the Aroiders. Superbum goes through
the best color changes as it become fertile and produces seed. Note the
white seed capsules. When ripe they change again, to a slight pink

I am as far from an expert as you can get, just
someone who gets 'lucky' every so often and enjoys growing Anthurium


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