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RE: "sales" 97
From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.01.19 at 16:00:58(1851)
Dear Carlo,
It seems that Mediterranean tuberous aroids generally grow in winter and
I never really managed to change that rhythm in any of them with the
exception of Drac. vulgaris and the odd specimen of Helicodiceros. As
for Amorphs, they have really adapted their cycles to western European
climate, with a few exceptions. Titanum may fool you since that species
generally has a MUCH longer leafy period, which may increase to ca. 18
month for a single leaf. That defies every temparate climate cycle.
As for African species: besides eichleri I do not have any real small
species to distribute. In fact there are no really small African species
but eichleri, barthlottii and staudtii. Sometimes clones of abyssinicus
flower quite early as small plants. Generally African species are
medium-sized and only one (stuhlmannii) gets real big.
| +More |
> Dear Wilbert,
> I just looked at your message on the distribution of surplus and
> noticed:
> >It is a damn pity that the plants are usually
> >dormant when lots of us are "suffering" from winter.
> It's interesting to note that I've got Arum, Arisaema, Amorphophallus
> (including most notably A. titanum), Biarum, Dranunculus,
> Helicodiceros,etc.
> ALL in growth now. I hope that their calendars aren't off--they'd
> probably
> do much better in warmer conditions.
> So were there any extra small Africans besides the eichleri? I don't
> know
> what my Amorphophallus collection would do without you!
> Carlo
> Carlo A. Balistrieri, J.D. Email: CABalist@facstaff.wisc.edu
> P.O. Box 327
> Ashippun, WI 53003-0327
> U.S.A.
> Voice: 414.569.1902 Telefax: same number, please call ahead.
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