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Re: Books on aroids and tropicals
From: "Victor G. Soukup" <soukupvg at email.uc.edu> on 1998.05.27 at 18:31:00(2197)
The Genera of Araceae is generally a very well written and organized
compendium of what we know about Aroids. It does have some shortcomings,
but these are far outweighed by its plusses. Because I was a beneficiary
of some of the seeds of Pseudohydrosme gabunensis for my study of the acid
profiles of the seeds of Araceae, I can state that the statement made under
that genus that the fruits and seeds are unknown is no longer true. The
interest in Aroids is generating new information all the time, and books
like this will help push
the acquisition of new knowledge -- in turn making the book less complete.
But the information carried therein, at least most of it, will remain as
the basis on which we will rely -- the ready source to which we refer time
and time again.
To be sure the emphasis is on tropical genera as Ray has suggested but
in general most of us are probably much more likely to need information on
those genera which we will have less chance to encounter in their native
haunts rather than those which we can, by travelling 50 miles to a state
park, see in the various stages of their life cycles.
| +More |
At 08:08 AM 5/27/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I'd like to splurge and add the ULTIMATE tropical plant book(s) to my
library. I'm considering: the new "The Genera of Aracae", Exotica, Tropica
4, and would like to add one on bromeliads and maybe succulents. I know
some of these are a bit off-topic... Any suggestions? Any feedback on
"The Genera of Aracae"?
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Victor G. Soukup
Assoc. Curator of the Herbarium
Department of Biological Sciences
P.O. Box 210006
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0006
Herbarium phone: 513-556-9761
e-mail: soukupvg@email.uc.edu
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