From: "Peter Boyce" <pb02kg at> on 1999.02.02 at 18:35:21(2994)
Epipremnopsis is a synonym of Amydrium Schott, a genus of
terrestrial subscandent herbs and root-climbing lianes occurring
from Sumatera to New Guinea and from southern China to Java,
was last revised by Dan Nicolson in 1968. Nicolson merged
Epipremnopsis Engl. into then monotypic Amydrium and
recognized four species in all. Since Nicolson's account two
distinct additional species have been recognized: A. sinense
(Engl.) H. Li and A. hainanense (C.C. Ting & C.Y. Wu ex H. Li et
al.) H. Li. Amydrium sinense, based upon Engler's Scindapsus
sinense, was overlooked by Nicolson as belonging to Amydrium
although he had seen the type specimen in Berlin Amydrium
hainanense, described initially in Epipremnopsis, was transferred
to Amydrium in the Flora of China Araceae treatment. Additionally,
two species recognized by Nicolson, A. zippelianum and A.
magnificum, have since been shown to be conspecific (see Boyce
1995). Amydrium as here defined comprises five species.
There was a nice plant portrait of Amydrium zippelianum in Curtis's
Botanical magazine Vol. 12(2), pl. 269 (1995) with cultural details.
Amydrium zippelianum is in cultivation in the US. I've seen bigs
plants at Monroe Birdseys place and various collectiosn ahve
younger plants. It's often grown as Amydrium magnificum.
PeteTimes New Roman
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