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Dracontium spruceanum
From: Mary Jane Hatfield <oneota at ames.net> on 1999.02.08 at 01:24:44(3012)
I'm very new to Dracontiums so would like some advice.
My Dracontium spruceanum is about 4 1/2 - 5 ft tall, depending on where
I measure it. Over the course of the last month or so it has bloomed.
The bloom should begin to fade anytime now and the plant's 3 part leaf
(?) is fading. Would the plant be going dormant? Or should I unpot it
with the boom still intact and see if the tuber is turning to mush and
the plant dying.
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This is my first Dracontium of blooming size and only the second plant
that I have. I just don't know what to expect. In Amorphophallus the
bloom is all done and gone by the time the leaf petiole starts to grow.
Any horticultural advise? Please.
Thank you.
MJ Hatfield
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