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Images Online for the IAS Home Page Contest Prizes
From: "Scott Hyndman" <hyndman at magicnet.net> on 1999.06.22 at 14:02:11(3457)
Thanks to Dewey Fisk, there are some excellent images of the plants being
offered as prizes to the winners of the IAS Homepage Contest at
http://hoya.mobot.org/ias/contest/contest.html However, please note that
the actual plants offered as prizes are smaller than those specimen plants
in the images. Dewey kindly provided some good information about each of
the species too.
Regards, Scott
| +More |
Mr. Scott E. Hyndman
Winter Park, Florida, USA
USDA Hardiness Zone 9b
Homepage: http://hoya.mobot.org/ias/Aroider/hyndman.html
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