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Dr. Monroe Birdsey
From: Regferns at aol.com on 2000.01.20 at 04:17:10(4006)
I am still in shock over Monroe's death. I spoke with him the beginning of
week just to check on him. He did not sound like Monroe, I thought I was
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talking to a complete stranger, but I kept telling myself, "It is Monroe."
Little did I realize that it would be my last conversation with him. At the
time of our conversation, he was complaining about back problems, and general
unease. I had no idea that things were going wrong with his system. He will
truly be missed. I will miss his wit and charm, but most of all his enormous
intellect. It is truly a sad time for us in the plant world. The man was
truly respected (though not always understood).
Reggie Whitehead
South Miami, FL
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