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Re: A. titanum ???
From: "Paul Kruse" pkruse2000 at mindspring.com> on 2000.04.02 at 18:23:24(4320)
Donna Atwood. It appears that I almost certainly have Amorphophallus
paeoniifolius (at least not A. titanum). My botanist friend, source of my
present plant, doesn't remember the source of her tubers. Your information
concerning a S. Florida source mislabeling their corms is most interesting.
I received my first two plants by mail in 1980. The instructions stated
that after the plants bloomed, the corms rotted. According the
instructions, the dark bumps on the bottom of the corm should be cut out,
air dried, then planted to produce new plants. I did this with one of my
plants and did get a couple of new ones. The other corm evidently did not
read the instructions and resprouted anyway.
I suppose it's just as well that I don't have A. titanus, since I live in a
small apartment. My present plant makes a beautiful house plant and I am
going to continue experimenting on fertilizer and minimum light
requirements. Your letter was very helpful. Thank you. Paul Kruse
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