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  Among the Potted Plants
From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2000.04.13 at 01:58:07(4367)
Hello, Aroid-L,

I'm not sure this is an appropriate thing to write about (but if not, the
moderators will surely intercept it anyway), but I felt moved to write this.

It has been a long time since I was sufficiently settled in one place to
accumulate many plants; I have had to content myself with helping care for
others' plants, and having a few cheap and common ones of my own. The
other day I was at Home Depot, and was pleasantly surprised to see
Peltandra sp. and Colocasia being sold there, right alongside other
wetland-garden plants (such as Saururus cernuus). How I wished I had a
permanent garden in which to grow that beautiful species. And then I
walked inside. I must be more plant-deprived than I thought, because even
the sight of the common houseplant-type Spathiphyllum in flower was
gratifying. A coworker of mine bought two small Scindapsis, not for
herself, but for the reptile exhibit she was working on. But as I stood
there among the potted plants -- not all of them Aroids -- I felt a twinge.
I love the travelling life, seeing new places; but there are times when I
see the advantage of settling down.

Anyway, I have very much enjoyed being privy to all your discussions of
Aroid rarities. One day, I am sure, I, too, will be asking advice on
Anthuriums or Monsteras. Until then, I will continue looking at the wild

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