Anthurium gracile (Rudge) Lindl.,
Edward's Bot. Reg. 19: t. 1635. 1833. Pothos gracilis Rudge, PI. Guian. Rar. 23, T. 32. 1805. TYPE: French Guiana, Martín s.n. (Herb. Rudge, BM).
Anthurium scolopendrinum (W. Ham.) Kunth, Enum. PI. 3: 68. 1841.Epiphyte, usually erect; roots white; stems 1.5-3 cm long, 7-10 mm diam.; internodes short; cataphylls membranaceous, 2-9.5 cm long, drying reddish or brown, persisting intact, ultimately deciduous.
Pothos scolopendrinus W. Ham. TYPE: French Guiana, Desvaux s.n. (P).
Anthurium longipes Matuda, Bol. Soc. Bot. Mexico 14: 23. 1952, non N. E. Brown, 1882. TYPE: Belize, Gentle 2624A (MICH).
LEAVES ± erect; petioles 1-20 cm long, ca. 3 mm diam., subterete flattened adaxially; the geniculum ca. 5 mm long; blades moderately thin, oblanceolate, 11-32 cm long, 3-8.5 cm wide, acuminate at apex, gradually tapered to long-cuneate at base; the upper surface matte to semiglossy; the midrib prominently raised almost to apex above, raised below; primary lateral veins numerous, nearly obscure; collective vein arising from base, 4-7 mm from margin.
INFLORESCENCE ± erect; peduncles 13-40 cm long, 1-3 mm diam., longer than petioles; spathe membranaceous, red-violet, lanceolate to oblong-elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 1.3-2.5 cm long, 3-7 mm wide, abruptly acuminate at apex, rounded al base; spadix sessile, purplish-brown, 0.6-6 cm long, 2-4 mm diam. midway; flowers 4-lobed, 5-5.6 mm long, 3.8-4.3 mm wide, the sides jaggedly sigmoid; 2-3 flowers visible in the principal spiral, 3-4 flowers visible in alternate spiral; tepals matte to semiglossy, punctate and minutely papillate; pistils weakly emergent, the apex ± flat; stigma exserted, butlonlike, 0.8-0.9 mm wide; stamens emerging in scattered manner; anthers cream, ca. 0.7 mm long, inclined inward over pistil; thecae ovoid, slightly divaricate; pollen white.
INFRUCTESCENCE pendent; peduncle to 60 cm long; spadix to 10 cm long, 1.5 cm diam.; berries bright red, ± globose, slightly longer than broad, 6-8 mm long; me-1 socarpgelatinous, ± translucent, lacking raphide cells, seeds 2, cylindroid, rounded on both ends, ca. 4 mm long, 1.6-1.8 mm diam., with an oblique depression at one end and the other end greenish, sticky gelatinous appendages at both ends. Fig. 77.
The species is found from Guatemala and Belize to the Guianas, southern Brazil and Peru. It is also known in the West Indies from Trinidad and Hispanola. In Costa Rica and Panama, the species is known only from topical moist forest. Anthurium gracile has a large root system that may sometimes become infested with black, stinging ants. It is distinguished by its thin, ob-lanceolate, epunctate leaves, persistent, intact cataphylls, the relatively few-flowered spadix, the whitish roots, and the bright red, globose berries. Anthurium gracile has been confused with A. friedrichsthalii, which differs in having coriaceous, broadly linear leaves, conspicuously punctate on the lower surface, cataphylls that soon weather to persistent fibers, flowers more numerous on the spadix, and berries that are pale yellow-orange, broader than long, and truncate at the apex. Anthurium gracile is also confused with A. bakeri Hook. f., which has punctate leaves with a collective vein that is sunken and more conspicuous than the primary lateral veins. Anthurium gracile is the only described species of section Leptanthurium and is either an extremely variable species or comprised of some additional undescribed sibling species in the Andes of South America (Croat, 1976).
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Belize Cayo:, 28 April 1955, Gentle 8695 (LL).
Belize Cayo: 200 m,, 6 Oct 1994, D.J. Murray 5 .
Belize Stann Creek: 246-400 m, 17.03N 88.28W, 7 May 1994, Raúl
Rivero, Bruce & Carolyn Miller 2575 (MO, SEL).
Belize Toledo:, 27 March 1977, Boutin & Schlosser 5183 (MO).
Costa Rica Alajuela: 250 m,, 27 junio 1985, William A. Haber,
Eric Bello C. & Barry Hammel 1854 (MO).
Costa Rica Alajuela: 400 m, 10.56N 85.18W, 8 April 1988, Gerardo Herrera
1729 (MO).
Costa Rica Alajuela: 40 m, 10.59N 85.07W, 14 April 1988, Gerardo Herrera
1800 (MO).
Costa Rica Alajuela:, 28 junio 1985, William A. Haber, Eric Bello C.
& Barry Hammel 1832 (MO).
Costa Rica Alajuela: R.N.V.S. Caño Negro; Llanura de Guatuso,
30 m, 10.53N 84.47W, 8 July 1987, Nelson Zamora & I. Chacón
1347 (CR).
Costa Rica Alajuela: Llanura de Guatuso, 10 m, 11.02.00N 85.10.50W,
21 May 1990, Gerardo Herrera & Barry Hammel 3864 (CR).
Costa Rica Cartago: Río Tuís, 600 ft,, 4 May 1956, Williams
& Molina 19573 (MO).
Costa Rica Cartago:, 04 Feb 1965, Godfrey 66241 (FSU).
Costa Rica Heredia: La Selva,, , Folsom 9533 (TEX).
Costa Rica Lim—n: 25-40 m, 09.35N 82.39W, 19 Nov 1984, Michael Grayum
4509 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim—n: 10-20 m, 10.40N 83.40W, 13-14 Sep 1986, Gerrit Davidse
& Gerardo Herrera 31071 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim—n: 5 m, 10.50.00N 83.37.30W, 21 Sep 1986, Gerrit Davidse
& Gerardo Herrera 31516 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim—n: 150 m, 9.30.10N 82.57.50W, 24 June 1989, Gerardo
Herrera 2953 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim—n: Cordillera de Talamanca, 200 m, 09.38.40N 83.02.30W,
19 Feb 1989, Herrera & Chacon 2416 (CR, MO).
Costa Rica Lim—n: 100 m, 10.24N 83.33W, 16 August 1988, Rafael Robles
Gerardo Herrera & Luis Flores 2069 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim—n: 3 m, 10.31N 83.30W, 9 November 1988, Rafael Robles
2184 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim—n: <10 m, 10.29.30N 83.30.30-31W, 22 January 1997,
M. H. Grayum, B. Hammel & J. Schipper 11159 (INB, MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 35-40 m, 09.47N 84.36W, 11 June 1986, Michael
H. Grayum, Pam Sleeper & Roy Sleeper 7597 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 250 m, 8.37.00N 83.31.30W, 19 August 1991, Reinaldo
Aguilar 270 (MO).
Guatemala Alta Verapaz:, 3 May 1964, Contreras 4605 (LL).
Guatemala Peten:, 1 Apr. 1964, Lundell 18215 (LL).
Honduras Atlántida:, 29 July 1938, Yuncker et al. 8666
Honduras Atlántida: 80-140 m, 15.42N 86.51W, 14 May 1993, Ronald
L. Liesner 26302 (MO).
Honduras Atlántida: 140 m, 15.42N 86.51W, 8 May 1993, Randy
Evans 1545 (MO).
Honduras Atlántida: 200 m, 15.42N 86.50W, 12 May 1993, Randy
Evans 1641 (MO).
Honduras Atlántida: 25 m,, 10 June 1985, Tellez & Martínez
8835 (MO).
Honduras Comayagua:, , Zaniga 629 (UNAH).
Honduras Francisco Morazán: 1600 m,, 14 Sept 1985, Hedman 65
Honduras Gracias a Dios: 100 m,, 5-13 May 1985, Nelson & Cruz 9247
Honduras Gracias a Dios: Río Platano Biosphere Reserve,, 25
May 1985, Knees 2763 (BM).
Honduras Yoro: 1100 ft.,, 30 June 1938, Yuncker et al. 8187A (BM, NY).
Nicaragua Boaco: 400 m, 12.28N 85.35W, 29 agosto 1981, Pedro
P. Moreno 10635 (MO).
Nicaragua Boaco: 670-700 m, 12.35N 85.45W, 2 Octubre 1984, Pedro P.
Moreno 24850 (MO).
Nicaragua Boaco: 400-600 m, 12.33N 85.31W, 17 julio 1984, D. Soza,
A. Grijalva, B. Sequeira, C. Quant & M. Paguaga 108 (MO).
Nicaragua Boaco: 275 m, 12.38N 85.33W, 8 January 1978, W.D. Stevens
5846 (MO).
Nicaragua Jinotega: Quebrada La Esperanza, 500 m, 13.30N 85.43W, 14
Mar. 1980, Araquistain, M. & Castro, D. 1945 (MO).
Nicaragua Jinotega: Quebrada La Esperanza, 500 m, 13.30N 85.43W, 14
Mar. 1980, Araquistain, M. & Castro, D. 1961 (MO).
Nicaragua Matagalpa: 600-700 m, 12.58N 85.50W, 12 Feb. 1981, Moreno,
P. 6748 (MO).
Nicaragua Matagalpa: 580-600 m, 13.01N 85.46W, 21 enero 1982, Doribel
Castro 2384 (MO).
Nicaragua Matagalpa: 300 m, 12.55N 85.16W, 12 February 1979, W.D. Stevens
12024 .
Nicaragua Matagalpa: 490 m, 13.01N 85.47W, 15 January 1978, W.D. Stevens
6020 (MO).
Nicaragua Río San Juan: 12.00N 84.30W, 5 Enero 1995, Ricardo Rueda,
Blas Hernández y Edith Palma 2550 .
Nicaragua Rivas: 100-200 m, 11.28N 85.29W, 21 sept. 1984, Walter Robleto
1201 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 13.30.20N 84.45.25W, 28 Octubre 1982, A. Grijalva
& F. Burgos 1687 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: Cerro Waylawas, 200-225 m, 13.38N 84.49W, 10 Mar.
1979, Pipoly, J. 4250 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: Waspado, 100-200 m,, 06 Oct. 1982, Ortiz, F. 249
Nicaragua Zelaya: Río Brberena, 160 m, 11.47N 84.29W, 27 Aug.
1982, Araquistain, M. 3158 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: Wani,, 27 Aug. 1982, Ortiz, F. 19 .
Nicaragua Zelaya: 10-20 m, 11.32N 83.48W, 07 Feb. 1982, Moreno, P.
and Sandino, J. 15111 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: Santa Rosa,, 06 Sept. 1982, Ortiz, F. 118 . Nicaragua
Zelaya: Río Matis,, 16 Sept. 1982, Ortiz, F. 161 .
Nicaragua Zelaya: Cerro Waylawas, 80 m, 13.39N 84.49W, 11 Mar. 1979,
Pipoly, J. 4354 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: Wani, 0-100 m, 13.42N 84.50W, 16 Mar. 1979, Pipoly,
J. 4764 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 220 m, 11.41N 84.27W, 17 Aug. 1983, James S. Miller
& Juan Carlos Sandino 1132 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 170 m, 11.52N 84.27W, 19 Aug. 1983, James S. Miller
& Juan Carlos Sandino 1155 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 520-560 m, 13.16N 85.24W, 14 septiembre 1982, Pedro
P. Moreno 17293 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: Siuna, 100 m,, 1 junio 1984, F. Ortiz 1978 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: Wani,, marzo 1983, F. Ortiz 943 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 80-100 m, 11.35N 84.22W, 28 julio 1982, Juan C. Sandino
3288 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 5 m, 14.06N 83.33W, 21 Apr. 1978, W.D. Stevens 7925
Nicaragua Zelaya: 20 m, 13.30N 84.14W, 25 Apr. 1978, W.D. Stevens 8172
Nicaragua Zelaya: 8-10 m, 13.29N 84.13W, 26 Apr. 1978, W.D. Stevens
8254 .
Nicaragua Zelaya: 250-450 m, 13.46N 84.29W 13.48N 84.31W, 27 Apr. 1978,
W.D. Stevens 8411 .
Nicaragua Zelaya: 250-450 m, 13.46N 84.29W 13.48N 84.31W, 27 Apr. 1978,
W.D. Stevens 8413 .
Nicaragua Zelaya: 50-100 m, 13.58N 84.12W, 30 Apr. 1978, W.D. Stevens
8505 .
Nicaragua Zelaya: 100 m, 14.22N 084.37W, 30 Septiembre 1996, A. Grijalva,
R. Rueda, R. Dolmus & M. Castrillo 5976 .
Nicaragua Zelaya: 750-850 m, 13.45N 85.00W 13.45N 85.01W, 10-11 March
1978, W.D. Stevens 6899 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 100-200 m, 13.36N 85.05W, 18 March 1978, W.D. Stevens
7522 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 250-450 m, 13.46N 84.29W 13.48N 84.31W, 23 February
1979, W.D. Stevens 12718 (MO).
Panama :, 1978, Hiwan 1005 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: Changuinola,, 21 Feb. 1980, Correa et al. 3518
Panama Bocas del Toro:, 4 Nov. 1940, von Wedel 1373 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro:, 6 Sept. 1940, von Wedel 647 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro:, 21 Oct. 1940, von Wedel 1268 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro:, 13 July 1941, von Wedel 2532 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro:, 27 July 1971, Croat & Porter 16343 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: Changuinola,, 26 July 1971, Croat & Porter
16308 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: Barro Colorado Island,, 5 Oct. 1968, Croat 6743
Panama Bocas del Toro: 120 m, 8.55N 82.10W, 5 March 1986, Gordon McPherson
8563 (MO).
Panama Canal Area: Barro Colorado Island,, July 1931, Starry 316 (MO).
Panama Canal Area: Barro Colorado Island,, 1931, Shattuck 626 (MO).
Panama Canal Area: Río Masambi Grande, 75 m,, 12 Sept. 1973, Nee 6915
Panama Canal Area: Barro Colorado Island,, 14 Feb. 1969, Croat 7957A
Panama Canal Area:, 7 May 1968, Croat 5392 (MO).
Panama Canal Area: Barro Colorado Island,, 3 Feb. 1973, Busey &
Croat 238 (MO).
Panama Canal Area: Barro Colorado Island,, 10 Apr. 1970, Croat 9522
Panama Chiriquí: 08.45N 82.18W, 24 July 1994, Thomas B. Croat &
Guanghua Zhu 76428 (MO).
Panama Darien: Río Chucunaque,, 19 June 1962, Duke 4872 (MO).
Panama Darien: Río Pirre,, 14 July 1962, Duke 5206 (MO). Panama Darien:
50-200 m,, 24 Apr. 1980, António & Hahn 4433 (MO).
Panama Darien: 50 ft.,, 14 May 1980, António 4570 (MO).
Panama Panamá:, 30 May 1970, Saldana 9 (MO).