FIG. 25. Leaf blade of Dracontium (definition of terms).
md -- middle division: the central division, often once or twice trichotomously branched, consisting of one terminal and two basal subdivisions.
ld -- lateral division: two mostly equal portion on opposite sides of the middle division, each often once or twice dichotomously branched, consisting of one terminal and one basal subdivision.
tsd -- terminal subdivision: the central subdivision of the middle division (often consisting of one terminal and two subterminal sections) or the basiscopic subdivision of each lateral division (often consisting of one terminal and one subterminal sections).
bsd -- basal subdivision: the lateral subdivisions of the middle division or the acroscopic subdivision of each lateral division.
ts -- terminal section: the central section of the terminal subdivision of the middle division and the basiscopic section of the terminal subdivision of each lateral division.
sts -- subterminal section: the two lateral sections of the terminal subdivision of the middle division and the acroscopic section of the terminal subdivision of each lateral division.
r -- rachis: the principal axis of each blade division.
br -- basal rachis: proximal portion of rachis, ranging from the petiole apex to the branching point of the subdivisions.
mr -- medial rachis: middle portion of rachis, ranging from the branching point of the subdivisions to the branching point of the sections.
tr -- terminal rachis: distal portion of rachis, ranging from the branching point of the sections to the apex.
mdr -- midrib: the principal axes of basal subdivisions and subterminal sections.
ul -- ultimate lobes: the ultimate lobes of each section.
pul -- penultimate lobes: the lobes preceding the ultimate ones and back to the branching point of the sections.
ml -- medial lobes: lobes attached to the medial rachis.
bl -- basal lobes: lobes attached to the basal rachis.