Philodendron breedlovei Croat, sp. nov.
TYPE: Mexico. Chiapas: Mun. La Trinitaria: Monte Bello National Park, E of Lago Tzikaw, 13 May 1973, Breedlove 35181 (holotype, DS; isotype,MEXU). Figures 79--80, 85.
Planta epiphytica; internodia usque plus quam, 7 cm, ca. 1.5 cm diam.; cataphylla decidua; petiolus subteres, 34 cm longus, 7 mm diam.; lamina anguste ovato-cordata, usque 37 cm longa, 20 cm lata, in sicco flavibrunnea; inflorescentia 1; pedunculus 6 cm longus, 6 mm diam.; spatha 10.5 cm longa; lamina spathae viridalba vel alba; tubo spathae extus virenti, intus rubro; pistilla 5--6-locularia; loculi 20-ovulati.
Hemiepiphytic; internodes to 7 cm or more long, ca. 1.5 cm diam., usually longer than broad, drying light brown, semiglossy, weakly and irregularly ribbed; cataphylls deciduous; petioles 34 cm long (slightly longer than blades), 7 mm diam., subterete; blades narrowly ovate-cordate, acuminate and slightly inequilateral at apex, sagittate at base, 37 cm long, 20 cm wide (1.8 times longer than wide; about equal in length to petiole), semiglossy, upper surface drying dark olive-green, lower surface drying yellowish brown; anterior lobe 31.5 cm long, 21 cm wide (4 times longer than posterior lobes); posterior lobes 7.5 cm long, 8.7 cm wide, narrowly rounded, directed toward base; sinus more or less V-shaped, 5--6 cm deep; midrib drying narrowly raised and darker below; basal veins 3--4 per side, with 0 free to base, 1 pair coalesced for 2.8 cm; posterior rib to 3 cm long, not naked; primary lateral veins 5--6 per side, arising initially at an acute angle then forming a gradual arch to margin, departing midrib at a 55E angle toward apex, 60--70E angle midway, to 80E angle near the base, weakly arcuate to the margins, drying weakly raised and paler below; minor veins arising from both the midrib and primary lateral veins.
INFLORESCENCES 1 per axil; peduncle 6 cm long, 6 mm diam.; spathe 10.5 cm long, (1.75 times longer than peduncle), slightly constricted midway, densely speckled-lineate, especially on the tube, red within, darker red on the tube within, weakly acuminate at apex, convolute to half its length at base; spathe blade greenish white to white, paler along the margins outside; spathe tube medium green outside, 5 cm long; spadix sessile; 6.5--8 cm long, broadest above the middle; pistillate portion 2.9 cm long, 1.7--1.9 cm diam., broadest at the middle; staminate portion 7.2 cm long; fertile staminate portion to 2.2 cm diam. midway, usually broader than the pistillate portion; sterile staminate portion 1.7 cm diam.; pistils 3.3--3.8 mm long, 1.7--1.8 mm diam.; ovary 5--6-locular, with axile placentation; ovules 20 per locule, 0.3--0.4 mm long, equal in length or slightly longer than funicle; style similar to style type B, 1.3--1.5 mm diam.; style apex truncate, minutely warty, irregularly 3--5-sided; stigma 2.3--2.5 mm diam., depressed with 5--6 small stylar canals; sterile staminate flowers 2.7--3.1 mm long, 0.9--1.6 mm wide.
Flowering in Philodendron breedlovei is based on a single collection made in May in post-anthesis condition. Flowering is probably in the early wet season which begins in May in Mexico.
Philodendron breedlovei is known only from the type locality in Mexico (Chiapas) in "Bosque Pino-Encino" or "Bosque Caducifolio," at 1300 m elevation. Since its type locality is very near Guatemala, it is expected to be found there as well.
Philodendron breedlovei is a member of P. sect. Philodendron subsect. Philodendron ser. Fibrosa. The species is characterized by its long internodes, subterete petioles about equaling the blades, narrowly ovate-cordate, yellow-brown drying blades, solitary, short-pedunculate spathes with the outer surface white on the blade and reddish on the tube, and especially by its ovaries which have parietal placentation and about 20 ovules per locule.
Philodendron breedlovei is most easily confused with P. sousae Croat, which has similarly shaped blades with weakly coalesced basal veins and often dry a similar yellow-brown color. That species differs in having only 1--3 basal ovules per locule and persistent stigmas bearing a conspicuous rim. The old stigmas of P. breedlovei instead are truncate and smooth with up to six more or less equally spaced stylar canals in a ring around the center.
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