Journal of the International Aroid Society, Inc.
Volume 24, Number 1 (2001); Pages 80-93
A revision of Alloschemone Schott (Araceae: Monstereae)
By Josef Bogner, Peter C. Boyce and C.M. Sakuragui     (Buy)


The genus Alloschemone Schott is revised. One new species, A. inopinata Bogner & P. C. Boyce, is recognized, and an expanded description of A. occidentalis (Poepp.) Engl. & K. Krause is presented. The distinguishing characters of the genus are discussed, especially with regard to the genus Scindapsus Schott, from which Alloschemone has been considered inseparable. Both genera have unilocular ovaries with basal placentation with one ovule; Alloschemone differs from Scindapsus by a pinnatifid leaf lamina (entire in Scindapsus), shoot architecture, anatomical differences, and Neotropical distribution (Scindapsus Paleotropical). Our new species has fused filaments, a unique character in Monstereae, and further differs from A. occidentalis by the narrower leaf pinnate separated by an oblong sinus. Seeds, often diagnostically very useful in Monstereae, are still unknown in Alloschemone and are highly desirable.


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