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  Re: [Aroid-l] lotus effect with Colocasia fallax
From: =?iso-8859-1?B?ZGF2aWQgYnL2ZGVyYmF1ZXI=?= <david_dav44 at hotmail.com> on 2011.01.18 at 08:17:38
Hi Ted=2C

As far as I know it was the Barthlott-group in Germany who studied the Pistia-leave under SEM. They showed that the hairs are coated with wax...


>=3B Date: Sun=2C 16 Jan 2011 16:09:12 -0500
>=3B From: oppenhauser2001@gmail.com
>=3B To: aroid-l@www.gizmoworks.com
>=3B Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] lotus effect with Colocasia fallax
>=3B David=2C
>=3B I have no idea whether or not individual Pistia hairs are coated with
>=3B some form of wax or whether the wetting by water of an individual hair
>=3B is simply poor enough to provide a bridge for the droplet surface over
>=3B to the next surface hair=2C which bridging prevents wicking of the water
>=3B down into the hairy structure.
>=3B This would be a good research topic: Dry some Pistia leaves and see
>=3B what is extracted (meaning dissolved by some liquid=2C ordinarily
>=3B followed by gentle drying to investigate the residual - Steve Lucas
>=3B was right to insist on technical terms being defined) by solvent
>=3B (hexane or toluene would be good solvent candidates for wax) and if it
>=3B is indeed a waxy substance. If no one has done this I'll do it myself
>=3B and report back to this forum.
>=3B Another thing that might be of interest to aroiders is that the net
>=3B result of Pistia hydrophobicity (which merely means its reluctance to
>=3B be wetted by water=2C typically observed as a tendency for water on a
>=3B hydrophobic surface to "bead up" into discrete droplets) is the
>=3B extreme buoyancy of the species. Try to submerge one of these plants
>=3B and it's almost like you are trying to submerge an air bubble. It is
>=3B curious to me how insubstantial a Pistia leaf is. It looks big=2C but
>=3B when compacted and dried there is almost nothing left. Much of the
>=3B apparent volume is simply air.
>=3B Ted Held
>=3B Detroit.
>=3B On Thu=2C Jan 13=2C 2011 at 7:53 AM=2C david br=F6derbauer
>=3B <=3Bdavid_dav44@hotmail.com>=3B wrote:
>=3B >=3B Hi Ted=2C
>=3B >=3B
>=3B >=3B Pistia is in fact a very beautiful example for a water-repellent surface. It
>=3B >=3B has to be kept in mind - as you mention - that it generates this
>=3B >=3B superhydrophobic effect with hairs (not with papillate cells like in Nelumbo
>=3B >=3B or Colocasia) that are covered with wax. So=2C the term 'lotus-effect'
>=3B >=3B describes the syndrom of superhydrophobicity (which means that the contact
>=3B >=3B angle of a water droplet is at least 150=B0)=2C but there are different
>=3B >=3B structures within the Araceae and other plant families=2C that produce this
>=3B >=3B effect.
>=3B >=3B
>=3B >=3B David Broederbauer
>=3B >=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B Date: Wed=2C 12 Jan 2011 13:04:17 -0500
>=3B >=3B>=3B From: oppenhauser2001@gmail.com
>=3B >=3B>=3B To: aroid-l@www.gizmoworks.com
>=3B >=3B>=3B Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] lotus effect with Colocasia fallax
>=3B >=3B>=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B Genevi=E8ve=2C
>=3B >=3B>=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B The lotus effect is quite common in my experience. It has been getting
>=3B >=3B>=3B a lot of attention in the popular press lately and there are a number
>=3B >=3B>=3B of academic studies of the phenomenon using nano materials. A Google
>=3B >=3B>=3B search will turn up many hits.
>=3B >=3B>=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B One of the best displays can be seen on the humble aroid Pistia.
>=3B >=3B>=3B Leaves of Pistia will support quite a large water droplet with no
>=3B >=3B>=3B wetting of the leaf surface that supports the hairs.
>=3B >=3B>=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B Ted Held.
>=3B >=3B>=3B Detroit
>=3B >=3B>=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B 2011/1/11 Genevi=E8ve Ferry <=3Bjpcferry2@wanadoo.fr>=3B:
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B Dear aroiders =2C
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B Today=2C three students came looking leaves Colocasia fallax to understand
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B the
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B phenomenon of superhydrobicity (lotus effect).
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B Do you have information on this phenomenon?
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B (Experience=2C etc. ....)
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B Thank you for your help.
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B Best wishes =2C
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B Genevi=E8ve Ferry
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B _______________________________________________
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B Aroid-L mailing list
>=3B >=3B>=3B >=3B Aroid-L@www.gizmoworks.com
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