IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  A. titanum
From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1997.03.25 at 22:04:41(537)
For those who haven't seen it, there is a wonderful picture of an A. titanum
inflorescence on the Arisaema web page (Roy H's,sorry I don't have the url
handy). Hit the Aroid links button--I think it's the last selection. Can
anyone tell me where this was taken?


From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1997.03.26 at 15:01:51(540)
On Tue, 25 Mar 1997, Carlo A. Balistrieri wrote:

> For those who haven't seen it, there is a wonderful picture of an A. titanum
> inflorescence on the Arisaema web page (Roy H's,sorry I don't have the url
> handy). Hit the Aroid links button--I think it's the last selection. Can
> anyone tell me where this was taken?

In 1994, in Leiden. More info is at the URL:


From: Kathy Upton <SKKUPTO at UMSLVMA.UMSL.EDU> on 1998.04.20 at 18:45:00(2017)
Dear aroiders:

One of the plants that I grew from seed from Jim Symon in Feb. 1995
is about to bloom. The inflorescence looks like it will be small,
probably less than one foot tall, and since the tuber is young and
small, I suppose that makes sense.

What would be the best way to get a photo of it out to the group? I
can have a photo scanned. I know how to send it out as an attachment,
but would everyone in the group be able to receive an attachment? My
computer skills are lacking.

-Kathy Upton University of Missouri, St.Louis

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.04.20 at 22:35:31(2020)
Dear Kathy,
FANTASTIC! GREAT! A dream come true, and the answer to Jim`s hopes and his
dream. What a shame that he is not here to share this triumph with us! I
can only hope that all our Aroiders out there do appreciate the effort that
went into Jim collecting these seeds and getting them out to all of the
"Amorphophiles", as we used to call ourselves back when this all started.
Congratulations to you and all at MOBOT for the work and effort that it
took to make this happen. I never even dreamed that I`d see a bloom of A.
titanum on a plant grown from wild-collected seed in my lifetime!
From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.04.22 at 15:23:26(2028)
Dear Kathy,

If you make photos of Jim's plant, please include one or two close-ups
of the "intimate" parts at the base of the spadix (for which you'll have
to cut the spathe away there).


From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.04.23 at 01:24:31(2031)

Congratulations on your pending big event! For my benefit and that of the
others on the list who are attempting a similar feat, please tell us a
little about about the plant, last leaf/petiole height, diameter of petiole
and the size of the tuber the last time you inspected it. I'd also like
to learn about the conditions under which it has been grown, medium used,
fertilizer, etc.



From: Kathy Upton <SKKUPTO at UMSLVMA.UMSL.EDU> on 1998.04.23 at 19:47:16(2033)
Dear Aroiders-Thanks so much for all the comments regarding A. titanum
about to flower here at the University of Missouri greenhouse. It has
grown a bit taller, but doesn't look like it will open until next week.
I've been taking photos and will continue taking more. Thanks for the
help, Scott and Dick, to get the photos onto the web. I also photographed
5 rooted cuttings of A.titanum that I made in December from the leaf blade
portions of several other individual plants grown from Jim's seeds. And
I won't forget to photograph the base of the spadix, Wilbert, like you
requested, after it has opened.

Kathy Upton

From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1999.01.30 at 16:11:30(2971)
Many thanks for all the requests for info.... I will get back to you,
individually, the first of the week....

From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1999.01.31 at 02:44:38(2973)

I'm sad but am going to resist the urge to get one of these titanums. I
know it's the king of the aroids, etc, but reality has taken a firm hold
and I realize that if the plant won't promise to hibernate during our
freezing winters then I'm better off admiring them from afar.

I do want (and I assume several other members of the group want), however,
to hear how and where you obtained these plants. Have they been tissue
cultured? Should I expect to start seeing these at Home Depot labeled
simply as 4" tropical?


From: "Malkmus, Bjoern" <malkmus at verwaltung.uni-mainz.de> on 1999.07.14 at 21:30:35(3500)
Hi Aroiders,

maybe someone would like to help Sue ?,


Bj?rn Malkmus

From: Neil Carroll <zzamia at hargray.com> on 1999.07.14 at 23:02:16(3505)
Sue, I am no Amorph expert but I was lucky enough to reveive one seed of A.
titanum and one of A. brooksii (A. gigas?) in the now famous distribution
of 1993. I simply put them on top of a well drained mix and viola one year
later the A. titanum germinated and 1 1/2 years later the A. gigas
germinated. If they don't rot they can take a while !! I had an A. henryi
seed that took 2 years to germinate!

Neil C.

From: Sue <suez at northcoast.com> on 1999.07.15 at 05:11:31(3512)

Thank you for responding.

> I simply put them on top of a well drained
> mix and viola one year
> later the A. titanum germinated and 1 1/2 years later
> the A. gigas
> germinated.

Did you cover the pot with anything, and did it 'stay' really humid and
warm in the pot for the one year period, or did you leave the pot open
and water often? Did you keep the pot in a greenhouse, or indoors in a
nice warm spot? I guess I'm trying to determine if it will endure the
confined, humid, very warm conditions in a fine seed starting mix in
case it doesn't germinate within a few weeks. I don't think seed
starting mix would be considered 'well drained'? Could it be a race
between germination or rot in this case? What about any needs for
sulphur to prevent any molds? A good idea, or not? Any and all
responses extremely welcome. Remember, I'm denser than the seed.


From: Don Martinson <llmen at execpc.com> on 1999.07.15 at 05:18:01(3514)
>Can you tell me how to treat A. titanum seeds for the process of
>germination? I was lucky enough to get ahold of one seed and I have
>it pressed into a fine seed starting mix that was watered thoroughly
>through first. It's in a gallon pot and covered with plastic wrap
>perforated with holes. It's sitting on top of my refrigerator, steaming
>up a storm. My worry of course is rot. Did you plant your seeds in a
>similar fashion?
>Can you give me some beginning instructions? Too, providing it
>actually germinates, what is the next step (soil, pot size, water and
>feed needs).
>I would appreciate any help you can give me.
>Thank you,

Hi Sue,

I germinated many types of seeds including many aroids by placing the seeds
in a plastic zip-lock type bag with coarse, just barely moist sphagnum
moss. This way, I can keep an eye of the germination process.

Regards further cultural info, I'll defer to others, except to say that
titanum seedlings do not seem to like any weather cooler than 60F.

Good Luck (PS - how is the Anthurium halmoorei doing?)


From: Sue <suez at northcoast.com> on 1999.07.15 at 13:55:23(3516)

Thank you for your input.

> Regards further cultural info, I'll defer to others,
> except to say that
> titanum seedlings do not seem to like any weather
> cooler than 60F.

The temp. in the pot is 80F. this evening and probably warmer during the
day. Added to that is lots of moisture. The seed, though just sitting
on top of soil, is wet to say the least. I look at it quite often which
lets air in, but might it need more air circulation to prevent rot?
What do think about using a rot deterent? It probably wouldn't need it
if I got the conditions right, but I'm not sure what those are.

> (PS - how is the Anthurium halmoorei
> doing?)

From: "D. Scherberich" <earmag at cybercable.tm.fr> on 1999.07.15 at 22:41:38(3519)
Sue and Neil,

We germinated one seed of A. titanum at Nancy Botanical Garden a few months
ago. The seed was buried about 2 cm in a well drained mix , then placed in a
frame with extra heat and it took 4 weeks to germinate ...


From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.07.16 at 18:45:29(3520)
Several years ago Jim Symon entrusted me with some thirty odd seed of A.
titanum to grow and to distribute. I just put them on ProMix BX in a clear
shoe box and covered with Saran and every one of them grew and was
distributed. I put them on a grow cart lighted table and with the warmth and
light, all grew. I did not cover the seed with soil. Not too bad a percentage
of success. These seeds had been stored for some time so they were not
terribly fresh. I would presume that freshness could have some factor on the
success rate.

From: Neil Carroll zzamia at hargray.com> on 2000.06.22 at 22:36:39(4889)
>Most of us on this aroid list have become quite familiar with the
>inflorescence of A. titanum with the recent bloomings in California and
>Atlanta. I am always anxious to view the sites that are posted, but
>there is one more thing I would like to see. Does anyone know if there
>is a site that contains pictures of the growth habit of A. titanum

Brent, I couldn't agree more with you. I find the inflorescence of
Amorphophllus to be very interesting but rarely do we see the foliage in a
picture. And it is not that the folliage is uninteresting. As with all
Amorphs, titanum is unifoliate. Occasionally there will be some speicies
that sometimes send up more than on leaf from the same growth tip , but when
we see more than one leaf it is usually because there are offsets from the
main corm.

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2000.06.22 at 22:49:27(4892)
Dear Brent,
NOW may be the time to break down and join the IAS, IF you are not already a
member!! If you are in fact a menber, you would have received the last
issue of our Journal, Aroideana, in which was an article on this plant you
are so interested in finding out more about, and some FINE photographs of
it! There are also several back issues with LOTS more info. on it, plus
MANT more wonderful photos ot its petiole with wonderful markings,
unbelievably tall and thick! You could even come to our Sept. meeting/show
and sale at Fairchild Garden in Miami and confront a living plant of this
monster face-to- face, and grasp in your own hands this monsterous, smooth
and BEAUTIFULLY marked giant petiole of the plant kingdom!
Hope to see you as a member soon, and urge you to write and ask about
purchasing a copy of Aroideana Vol 19, devoted to the genus Amorphophallus,
[MANY species discussed, MANY photos of many species, nice photo of the
bloom of A. titanum and a description of its petiole],and other issues I


From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 2000.06.23 at 23:46:02(4896)
Hey Neil,

Sorry you are fed up with Amorph. titanum but it is one of those charismatic
plants that never fails to capture the public's imagination. It is true, one
can get too much of a good thing. But this plant is one that can draw in a
novice or even a person who is not especially interested in plants and that
is a huge accomplishment. For all those Amorphophallus connoisseurs, there
are all the other wonderful and amazing species. Just feel smug that you have
reached that level of appreciation!

I am wrapping up work on an Amorphophallus titanum CD that will showcase all
of the US flowerings as well as a few in Europe. I hope that all you
Amorphophallus snobs are not too jaded to enjoy this!

Donna Atwood

From: Dean Sliger deanslgr at juno.com> on 2000.06.25 at 00:14:26(4907)
Isn't there a photo on the IAS Web site -- or one of the links -- which
shows people at a botanical garden in (Malaysia?) walking amidst giant A.
titanum plants? The people are dwarfed by the plants; it's like looking
at an illustration from a children's book about elves in a garden.


From: sue Zunino suez at northcoast.com> on 2000.06.25 at 01:45:40(4909)

Here are some photos and drawings of A. titanum....other than it's
inflorescence. I remember running to take a look at A. titanum before
the new rash of bloomings gathered so many inflourescence photos, but
'one' of these were all I could find at the time (the one at Kew with
people in it). While searching this time, I actually found two new
ones that I hadn't seen before! Who wouldn't want one of these in their
back yard? If anyone finds the Pigmyed people one, I would love to see

From: Dean Sliger deanslgr at juno.com> on 2000.06.25 at 02:43:45(4910)
On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 20:45:41 -0500 (CDT) sue Zunino
>If anyone finds the Pigmyed people one, I would love to
From: Jmh98law at aol.com on 2000.06.25 at 15:43:12(4911)
Donna, correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't Selby's website have a picture of the
A. titanum in the tropical display house (with people walking under it) in
the days prior to the blooming last spring? I just checked the website, and
that picture is not there. But I'm sure I had seen it there at one time.

Jeanne Hannah

From: MAIL13A/SHU at shu.edu on 2000.06.28 at 00:56:05(4934)
Saw an image of the leaves taken in a botanic garden in Germany, I believe.
Can't remember where it is now though.

From: Tim & Mary McNinch Newton at coiinc.com> on 2000.06.28 at 03:35:04(4936)
Just catching up on mail.

I visited the Atlanta Botanical Gardens last week and saw the wilting
remnants of
the A. titanum that bloomed one week ago. Even as a 'smaller' bloom than
the one
they bloomed last year it was still amazing. I walked beneath the 15' leaf
of the
sister plant last summer that was on display in the tropical rooms. Trying to
explain the plant to other, non-interested friends back home, I knew it was
in translation and I was written off as an idiot.

As I stood near the bloom I watched other people come and go and look at the
display. Most were unimpressed as they had no idea the significance of what was
before them. A few, however, knew exactly what they were seeing as the smiles
appeared and cameras came out.


From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2000.07.07 at 02:35:04(4992)
In a message dated 6/22/00 7:21:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
zzamia@hargray.com writes:

<< What about all of the other species? There are

From: MAIL13A/SHU at shu.edu on 2000.07.07 at 23:54:32(5013)
<<< zzamia@hargray.com writes:

<< What about all of the other species? There are

From: "van den Bergh" bergh at tpg.com.au> on 2000.07.23 at 23:46:56(5159)
I know it was a while ago, but are we still looking for the pigmyed people
and Amorphophallus titanum?
From: sue Zunino suez at northcoast.com> on 2000.07.24 at 21:14:01(5162)
Hi!, and thank you for the response. I hate to say it, I'm not sure who
this is because your email address doesn't look familiar to me, but I
appreciate your thought.

I think I 'may' have sent the photo you sent to the list when someone
was wanting to see parts of A. Titanum not so often seen in photos, but
if it wasn't one I contributed, I have seen this photo before. The
Pigmy photo I seem to be remembering may have been a photo (as someone
else mentioned) of an entirely different Amorphophallus, but I think I
saw it in a singular article affiliated with Dr. James R. Symon in
Sumatra, perhaps? It was a photo in the field. I hate it when the
memory starts going......it may have been an 'impression' from something
I saw who knows where......kind of like when you're really little and
everything seems WAY big to you when you're just learning about things.
This plant made that impression alright. At that time I had no idea any
plant could have 'one' huge leaf and stand so tall and be supported by a
'fleshy' petiole, and I hadn't even seen the bloom yet. I'm in and
amongst the Giant Sequoia Redwoods, and they have 'trunks' that are
woody and they sport MILLIONS of needles. The photo in question, and a
few others I just happened to run across after I accidentally found the
IAS main internet page about 4 years ago, was the beginning of my fall
for Aroids......and my house from Aroid weight. If I weren't slightly
held back by learned 'manners' and didn't make various 'efforts' to
refrain from begging for every Aroid I see, my house would have already
collapsed from weight. Fortunately I'm not financially endowed.
According to 'some', I should be thankful for my limitations........
they don't know what love is (a good example of upbringing as being one
of those laws meant to be broken). Anyway.....thank you for remembering
my request. Maybe someday we'll figure out where the photo was.

Much appreciation,

From: Neil Carroll zzamia at hargray.com> on 2000.08.11 at 14:44:39(5267)
Folks, Our show is coming up and I would REALLY REALLY like to publish
another Newsletter by then.
Send in articles, reviews, announcements. OR JUST IDEAS for what you want to

From: "Leo A. Martin" leo1010 at attglobal.net> on 2005.05.08 at 21:28:07(12923)
A number of people have written me privately about finding the
International Succulent Introductions on the Huntington Web site.

Got to http://www.huntington.org

Look on the right side of the page; Click on Botanical Gardens

Look down the page to Special Interests in The Gardens. Below this is

International Succulent
Introductions: New and Rare

When you click there, you will see one of our favorite posies. Click on
the spathe to go to the index of plants offered.


From: jk1492 at gmail.com (John Kawamoto) on 2007.10.24 at 21:09:39(16604)
A couple of years ago when I knew I was going to receive
Amorphophallus titanum seed I didn't have the slightest idea about how
to grow it. I had previously taken a look at the International Aroid
Society website and this forum, so I came here to learn what I could.
The information turned out to be very valuable, as the plant is still
growing. (Any further suggestions, by the way, would be most
welcome.) I'd like to share information about my experiences that may
be useful to a newbie like I was trying to grow A. titanum. Most of
the information is not new, and it confirms what is already known.

The seed germinated in a growing mix of 1 part peat moss and 1 part
perlite, if my memory is correct. The plant was watered daily,
keeping the medium at least moist. The leaf eventually grew to a
height of about 18 in., and later the plant went dormant. I dug up
the tuber, rinsed it with water, and soaked it for 10 minutes in a 10%
solution of Clorox to prevent rot. The tuber was left in a box in my
garage and planted again after it began to sprout. One leaf came up,
then another, and they reached a height of about 3 ft. After the
plant went dormant I dug up the tuber and found that it had divided
into two. I separated the tuber into two pieces, then rinsed them
off, soaked them in a Clorox solution, and stored them in my garage as
before. Each division weighted a couple of pounds. After they began
to sprout they were planted in separate pots with the tops of each
tuber about 3 in. below the surface of the growing medium. The plant
in the photo grew from one of the divisions, and another plant grew
from the other division.

The plant is outdoors in Honolulu, which has a subtropical climate.
It gets full sun for several hours a day and bright shade for the rest
of the day. The current growing medium is something like 1 part lava
rock, 1 part perlite, and 1 part Kellogg's (brand) N' Rich (name of
product), with about half a cup of Nutricote slow release fertilizer
mixed in. The plant is watered twice a day and is fertilized every
two weeks or so with a concoction of half-strength fish emulsion
fertilizer, seaweed extract, and SuperThrive. Sometimes I add a
product called "EM" (effective microorganisms) and molasses. I don't
know if all of these ingredients are helping, but I don't think any of
them hurt. Despite the first photo, I don't feed Coke to the plant.
The can is there just to provide an idea of the size of things.

The second photo shows a rip or tear in the plastic pot that is
partially covered with tape in an effort to keep the growing medium in
the pot. At first the tear annoyed me. But then I thought it might
be due to the expansion of the tuber and the growth of the roots.
That might be worth sacrificing the pot.

I'm sorry I don't remember all of the details of what I did and what
happened to the plant, and now I realize I should have written things
down. I hope to submit a more accurate update some time in the
future. Thanks to all who provided information that I used to grow
this plant.




From: piaba <piabinha at yahoo.com> on 2016.07.21 at 03:24:22(23667)
i just heard that the one at the NY BG is about to bloom.





From: piaba <piabinha at yahoo.com> on 2016.07.26 at 19:18:00(23670)
apparently, not just NYBG, but also DC is expecting as well.

The Rotting Stench Of A Corpse Flower Will Soon Grace D.C.

The Rotting Stench Of A Corpse Flower Will Soon Grace D.C.

It is expected to reach peak bloom sometime between July 28-31.



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