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Amorphophallus urceolatus "Luzon Form"
From: "XYZ2 in Virginia" <867ykcor at cox.net>
on 2020.08.31 at 22:00:53(24386)
I am trying to locate a few seeds, tuber(s), or a plant of this species and form. This one has the very dark spathe and spadix. It is for personal aesthetic appreciation only, not for commercial propagation or resale. Please contact me if you have seeds, tuber(s), or a plant available, or if you know of someone who does. If available from outside of the USA, I am able to obtain a USDA small seed lot import permit for seeds, or a USDA import permit for tuber(s). It is much easier to import seeds because they do not require a phytosanitary certificate for allowed taxa, whereas one is required for tuber(s) or plant material. Any information or suggestions you can provide me in this matter is very much appreciated. I have no time limit on this request. Depending on growing conditions, seeds, tuber(s), or a plant may not be available for some time. Thank you for your help! I appreciate it. Regards, Bern
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