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  RE: [Aroid-l] Our Native Flora
From: "danny wilson" <mudwasp_ at hotmail.com> on 2004.08.30 at 17:41:08(12124)
ver, very good points ted. i like to think of american as a cultural melting pot. not only a melting pot for humans, but now many, MANY different species of plants from all over the world. some introduced plants are good, some are bad. tahts how it will always be. things with all the introduced plants will eventually even out. look at Hawaii for example. at one point, every single plant/animal/fungus was no-native and introduced. all of those creatures have taken paths to create an almost unbelieveble ecosystem. most of what arrived there long ago has since evolved into an individual, or in some cases, a multitude of different species. If pistia take over a lake in florida, something that lived in the lake will eventually evolve a counter to the pistia. in nature, and especially in teh case of evolution, anything can happen to native, and even non native flora. before shunning a new plant, think about wh
at it might do in a few thousand, or maybe only a few hundred years. its worth thinking about.now im not saying go buy all you want to let everything go all over the place. taht is not the way to go at all. what im saying is, you never know.
>From: Ted.Held@hstna.com
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