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  Re: [Aroid-l] P. adamantinum, P. saxicolum.
From: Tom philofan at philodendron.org> on 2005.03.03 at 03:21:04(12752)
Sounds like a great plant find and story, Eric. Like that old saying, "One man's garbage, another man's treasure" couldn't be more true.

Here is another link with a photo and description of it: http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/59574/index.html

Monocromatico (the poster) describes it as: "This is a native plant from the southeastern brazilian coastal areas, specially around Rio de Janeiro. The specimen used to describe the species came from the Corcovado hill, where the statue of Jesus Christ is erected, so that?s why the specific name "corcovadensis", meaning "from Corcovado".

The shiny bright green leaves stick out in my mind for this plant. Are there any current commercial sources for it?

-Tom Vincze

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