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  Re: [Aroid-l] variegated Xanthosoma/Eduardo Gon.
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2005.07.20 at 09:39:52(13193)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Monday, July 18, 2005 6:30 PM
To : "Discussion of aroids"
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] variegated Xanthosoma and Philodendron

Hello again, Steve,

Perhaps Dr. oncalves can take a look at the photo of that Xanthosoma
pictured in the IAS/MOBOT aroid ID site page and give his opinion. Until
he manages to complete his review on the cultivated edible aroids there will
continue to be confusion. Lots of the confusion began when the imports of
the 'malanga' grown in Cen. America began to come in to Florida, previous to
that there were mainly the white malanga (which used to be thought to be X.
sagg. but is now thought to be X. robustum after Dr. Goncalves' visit to
Miami/Fairchild Gardens), the red/lilac malanga which is said to be X.
violacium, and the yellow malanga which was said to be X. atrovirens.
Perhaps you are correct, that this varigated specimen IS in fact a true X.
saggitifolium, which may have the 'full sinus' unlike the sinus w/ a naked
area near the juncture as exists in X. robustum, I really am nat certain!!
I have not seen varigation in P. xanadu or P. evansii as yet.

The Best,


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