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  [Aroid-l] Discussion on Anthu. seeds ex: Turkey
From: ju-bo at msn.com (Julius Boos) on 2007.10.20 at 13:32:49(16561)
From: bogus@does.not.exist.com ()
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 16:36:43 -0000
Subject: No subject


Larriann (see her posting below this) is so correct on this! There will be
NO viability/germination, at least in those sold as Anthurium sps., in these
seeds, IF in fact they even prove to be the seeds of Anthurium sps!
Allow me to "go on" a bit about this OBVIOUSLY dispicable scam. As yet we
don`t know who is scamming who---the seller in Turkey (!?!?!?!?) might be
being scammed by a supplier in S. Africa, S. America or Alaska, who may be
selling her tiny pebbles as being rare seeds! She may yet prove to be the
one scamming potential buyers world-wide, who are foaming at the mouth,
blind and just plain stupid in their attempts to obtain rare seeds! What we
do know for certain is that she is stealing photos off web sites, the IAS
being one of them, which is an initial bad sign of her honesty.
Scamming easy money from fools is SO easy it is hard to resist!
The IAS is activly working to have the photos slolen from our web pages
pulled off of e-bay.
My advice is for sellers of Aroids to keep their dealings ''squeaky clean''
and above any reproach.
I know of cases where present sellers in our community have been contacted
on an innocently misidentified plant offered for sale on e-bay, but have
choosen to continue their listing on e-bay with the incorrect name, maybe it
sells better, quicker and for a higher price when listed that way?
Eventually you WILL pay the price as a dishonest-at-worst, ill-informed at
best seller. In the long run, my belief is that the honest and reliable
sellers will prevail.
''Overstating'' of a plants rarity or beauty is another form of scam. Some
may recall my posting, following a rash of B.S. postings on the sale of
purportedly ''rarest of the rare" and fantastically beautiful, just
can-not-live-without-it, unresistable Aroid sps. on e-bay, which were in
fact common. I then created/collected (?!?!?) my own SUPER-beautiful
aroid, a colleague even provided an illustration and species-name for this
wonderful NEW genus of Araceae, native only to extreme Southern Chile,
which, when it blooms, shoots brightly colored, roman-candle-like balls of
fire (!!!!) out the apex of its "chuba"!!??(actually the corm, which, with
its retractile and contractile root system, manages to "reverse" itself in
the soil when close to a reproductive state, so in fact it is shooting
flames out its nether regions or butt, not its ''chubas" apex!). It
reproduces VERY slowly, so no offests are being offered for sale AT THIS
TIME! Keep your eyes on e-bay!! :--)
Many are riding the wave of high prices for ''rare'' plants, Hermine makes
this point well in her post, but all should not be surprised when scams like
this rise up to take advantage of the craze, it happens everywhere, and goes
back a-ways! Remember from several years ago the selling of seedlings ( of
the VERY common Areca palms) as being the scarlet-leaf-sheath 'lipstick''
palms?? The seller kept this going for a while, and I understand that with
this and other scams, made a LOT of money, the person/seller kept reassuring
the buyers not to worry, that the red color would 'soon appear' as the palms
grew and matured??!!! This person is STILL around, having ''found God",
and is still amongst us, and is still in the plant-selling buisness!!
Truly, a fool is born every minute!
Buyer had BETTER beware!!

The Best,
AND good growing/scamming!


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