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  [Aroid-l] Anthurium pedatatoridium
From: exotics at hawaii.rr.com (Windy Aubrey) on 2008.06.05 at 03:40:40(17746)
Hi Christopher,

I have had a little experience with some of the Mexican Anthurium species, and get cut back stems of different species time to time from a friend who lives in Vera Cruz. He is into plants and travels around his area and Chiapas collecting when he get a chance.
I've have had good luck, so far, with everything I have received from him.
When I first get the stems, they are totally void of any roots or leaves, and actually look like they have been shaved with a machete.
At first, when I got my first shipment, I thought 'good luck' getting them to grow, but decided to try rooting them in the largest perolite(sponge rock #4) that I could find available. To this I add hardwood charcoal, that I smash with a hammer to get small pieces, and add that to the sponge rock. I have had about 95% grow roots and leaves treating them this way, which is far better that I ever thought would be possible.
I know Mexican Anthuriums do like it a little cooler, but they seem to thrive for me here on Oahu, Hawaii, where my minimum night time temperature never drops below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
I like to place them where they get a lot of air circulation, and good light(bright shade). Also clay pots seem to work well.
I water them normally during the late Spring and Summer, like my other Anthuriums, but the other times of the year I only water when they appear dry on the surface of the potting soil.
I have found out from experience that if I water them before they are on the dry side, during the Fall, Winter and early Spring, they either sit or begin to rot.
Usually if they are sitting without putting out new growth signals to me that the roots are starting to rot.
For a potting soil, once they are well rooted and starting to grow, I use a very loose mix. I try to incorporate twice as much large sponge rock into the mix as I do the peat moss, orchid bark and charcoal mixture(using larger hunks of charcoal at this point), so the mix I use would be 2 parts sponge rock, 1 part peat, 1 part orchid bark, 1 part hardwood charcoal (do not use briquets). I want my soil mixture to be extremely well drained and loose.
If I think a Mexican Anthurium's root are in trouble, I un-pot and remove the problem roots, treat with root tone and repot back into the sponge rock/charcoal mixture like I first started with to root them out.

Hope this helps you and anyone else interested in the Mexican Anthuriums.


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