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  [Aroid-l] Alocasia zebrina reticulata
From: botanist at malesiana.com (Peter Boyce) on 2008.07.08 at 21:45:53(18115)
Hi Denis,

I am quite surprised that no one has picked up on the last comment in your
posting regarding the status of A. zebrina in cultivation.

As you know, Alistair Hay in his herbarium-based account of Philippines'
Alocasia (Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 51: 1-41 (1999)) treated A. zebrina as
a variable species and included under that name A. wenzelii. He made no
mention of the name A. tigrina (or A. zebrina tigrina) as this name and any
combination thereof has never been formally published and thus from a strict
botanical standpoint dos not exist. Goerverts et al. include a further name
as a provisional syn. (A. liervalii) but without further discussion.

Not withstanding the strict application of application of published names,
it is clear to anyone who grows A. zebrina that there are several
conspicuously different (but likewise clearly allied) entities in
cultivation, among which the form with reticulated venation is particularly
striking. What of course is needed is a comprehensive field study to try to
untangle these cultivated clones and see where they may have originated. For
that reason I have ccd this aroid-l posting to Melanie Medecilo in the
Philippines; Melanie is currently working on Philippines' Alocasia and if
anyone is able to shed some light on the status of the various clones of A.
zebrina she can.

Very best


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