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  Re: Lime and pine nuggets
From: Denis denis at skg.com> on 2001.07.24 at 17:25:44(7105)
Dear Brian:

I always add eight cups of dolomitic limestone (Dolomite) to my soil mix
of Peat and Perlite. It help bring Ph of mix up to 5.5 to 6.0 a better
range for the absorption of nutrients by the plants. Ph of the soil mix
will usually shift downward (become more acid) as peat in soil breaks
down. Adding dolomite supplies Calcium and Magnesium and keeps the soil
mix at a higher Ph so that it lasts longer in the pot. Adding
uncomposted Pine bark to a mix might acidify the mix and if as they
decompose the bacteria and fungi that break down the bark may pull
nitrogen and other nutrients from soil mix. Soil mixes may be a subject
that we need to discuss further.

Denis at Silver Krome Gardens
Homestead Fla

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