The Ongoing Saga of Philodendron tortum

by Julius Boos

Inflorescence of Philodendron tortum, spathe cut away to show spadix. Note the interior color of spathe.
Inflorescence of Philodendron cf. tortum, spathe cut away to show spadix. Note the interior color of spathe. Photo by Geoff Schrock, courtesy of Jim Langhammer
International Aroid Society Logo The Ongoing Saga of the Philodendron tortum Home Page. Inflorescence of Philodendron tortum at anthesis. This illustration is of Engler`s Philodendron angustisectum, from 'Das Pflanzenreich'. Dr. Croat reports that the type specimen of P. angustisectum which is at MOBOT is in fact Philodendron radiatum, as far as can be determined. Thanks to Eduardo Goncalves for the photo.
This page was created by Scott Hyndman for the I.A.S. on February 10, 2002.